Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Jesus contrasts life on earth with eternal life. People who want to satisfy only their desires in this life will lose that life in death. All the things of this world you desire are of no value to you when you die. Yes if you live for yourself you can gain the world. But sadly there is no life in that, there is only life in Christ who gives pure desires that last for eternal life. When Jesus died on the Cross, He had to carry that Cross. He had the power to lay down or take up His Life. He gave up that desire to usher in a New Kingdom on Earth. Jesus put to death on the Cross the desires of the flesh, and gave His desires for the Kingdom. Each day, we do not do just what we want to do. We do what Jesus wants us to do. It is as if we are carrying our Cross and denying our flesh . Declaring that nothing in this life is as important as our relationship with God. Denying yourself is only possible through the indwelling Holy Spirit in you. He will help you carry the Cross. He will lead you to the open tomb where Christ has risen us to new life. Meditate Luke 9:23-27