Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Miracles are not in our back pockets. It's Gods time and purpose. By faith in Jesus name we can move mountains in our lives. With Holy Spirit in us we can tear apart these mountains, shattering the rocks with a great and powerful wind. His presence is not for show but a gift to mankind. No one could do what you did, he healed so many people. Many times he heals like the wind and everyone is made well. Other times its like an earthquake, shaking hearts that are humble enough to receive him. He heals many times like a fire. Having people go and spread the Good News that has happened to them like wild fire. Oh but the best healing Jesus does is the gentle whisper. Where a still soft voice says, go and sin no more. I can consider it a miracle to be loved by my Lord and Savior. Though I do not deserve him, he did everything possible for me to received him. I am a child of God. What a miracle the Gospel is!

Meditate Matt. 17:20