Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Self medicate. Lord, I can't explain it, just not feeling good right now within myself. My heart is failing and my flesh is weak. Evil desires are raging inside me as I begin to self medicate. It becomes so addictive to beat yourself up for your past failures and mistakes. Instead of going to Jesus with my thoughts and disappointments, I go to the darkest place I can find and lick my wounds. So full of the Holy Spirit and aware of his presence, we throw it all away to self medicate in our own evil desires. With this kind of wicked thinking you start to become less patient. Less kind and boasting about everything. Envy creeps into the heart dishonoring others by the way we treat them. All day we are self seeking and easily angered keeping record of peoples wrongs against us. Looking only for our own good out of selfish ambition. We start living in disorder and every evil practice is considered. You will be amazed how quickly things can change when we start to self medicate instead of Christ meditate. The only way to stop self medicating is to deny ourselves daily, take up our Cross and follow Christ. It sounds easier said than done, but all things are possible through Christ that gives me strength. The reason I give into sin is because I have drifted to far away in relationship with Christ. It can happen in a moment of weakness. When Jesus turns around, I reach for the fruit of the knoweldge of good and evil and self medicate in my flesh. The serpent tricks me again as I go back to Jesus with crumbs of sin on my lips. I am so sorry Lord, forgive me for pleasing my flesh instead of protecting my heart. I thank you Lord, that you are the new Adam and you did not take a bite of sin here on earth. You were victorious over sin so that I can have victory over sin. There is no need to self medicate Iike I did in the past. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. You restore my soul and bring my heart back to life. I do not need the drug of worldly passions to fulfill me. I can be weaned off habitual sin and live free from sin and bondage. I am satisfied with the pure Gospel working in my life. Meditate Ps. 91:16
