Proverbs of a 36 yr old man

Knocked down. Listen, I am tired of getting knocked down by the enemy. Many times he has knocked me out cold in sin and death leaving me with a battered heart. Everyday is a fight of faith, I compare spiritual warfare to a real live boxing match. With Jesus at my corner with his robe of righteousness over me. Having boxing gloves of scripture ready to take on the fight for true spiritual life. The enemy always has my past in his corner showing its ugly face, ready to steal my joy. The enemy hits me with evil desires that he knows I will leave open because of my pride. He punches and punches on that one desire until my knees buckle into dismay. I am weak Lord, I don't even have the strength to fall on my knees! Falling face down I do not want to get up from my failures. You have given me so much through the Cross and I fail you constantly. Father in Heaven count me out 1-2-3, I am not worthy of grace and mercy. At the end of the day I lay in my own sorrows saved by the ring of the bell. I feel like giving up at night but when I see the next day starting, it is like the bell rings again and the fight of faith begins again. As I lay defeated in the night, joy comes in the morning as I hear Jesus say to me, "I am the LORD All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit." In that moment, I feel your love overshadow me bringing me to my knees as I worship you in spirit and in truth. The enemy retreats back as He sees the power of Christ in me. He sees the fire in my eyes and in my bones, trembling because even the demons believe. On this day I hit the enemy with a one two punch of scripture and prayer, as he falls at the feet of Jesus authority. Everyday is a fight of faith. You will get knocked down and fail because of exhaustion. But hold on to your faith because God is on your corner. Jesus is fighting our battles and He is giving us the victory we can live in everyday.

Study 1 Tim. 6:12