Oh To Be Wise-Meditations
Many are those who think people will only obey when they are threaten with harsh consequences for rebellion. This is how doubt works, it starts creep in our lives. This produces fear based obedience and underneath this will rush a river of self interest, pride, fear and resentment. God doesn't want that kind of obedience He is after a new kind of obedience. An obedience that grows out of love for Him. A love that grows out of the love of God for us. Perfect love cast out all fear, we love Him because He first loves us. It is the assurance of the love of God for you that produces love for God in you. God Grace is able to do more in our hearts than letter of the law in our hands. Oh to be wise in this: Jesus your love for me is the assurance of my salvation. It's the confidence I need in this life to endure any trial or tribulation. Meditate Romans 5:6-8