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Oh To Be Wise- Meditations

God chose from Adam the one bone that could regenerate itself. Yes, from man's side as he slept, woman was born. Born in tears of joy from our Heavenly Father and in blood as Adams body was open and closed. God chose man to give birth to woman and in turn woman would give birth to man and woman. God has put life in both male and female, a symbol of the rib, but because of sin mankind will not live forever. God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to be born of a woman and face death for every man and woman. In Jesus was Life and His Life was the Light for all mankind. Jesus was able to restore Eden in our hearts and bring God and mankind back together. Jesus died and was raised to life and so will we die one day and be raised to newness of life. Till that day Jesus said it is better that He go away, because if He doesn't the Helper will not come. He will send a suitable helper for mankind, The Holy Spirit. Jesus gave birth to His Church on the Cross. From His Side flowed blood and water. And in His Grace and Mercy He gave us His Rib, the Holy Spirit that regenerates the hearts and minds of mankind. We are growing a new rib of spiritual life till the day we die. A new life hid in Christ where we will never die. In Christ we have died to this world and through the Holy Spirit we are truly one body, the body of Christ. Praise God for His Rib of life in us.

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