Oh To Be Wise Meditations
I'm calling out to you daily and I am getting no answers. I have become spiritually deaf because all I hear is my own voice and not yours. The more I dwell in my troubles the more questions I have. My voice is exhausted and my spirit is parched. I have dried tears on my face and trembling lips of anger. My knees have become my elbows as I lay prostrate before you. If I could just hear one word from your lips, I know I will satisfied. If I could just see one cloud of provision I know the rain of blessings will come. Oh Jesus if I could just touch your nail scarred hands and your pierced side. Then I could believe in what I dont see. My Lord and my God! Cast out Doubt in me and fill me with your Peace. I am so hungry for you, strengthen me with Holy Scripture. Lift up your Hands and bless me. Oh to be wise in this: to always remember to lift up my heart and my hands to our God in Heaven. He deserves the praise even when I'm struggling in doubt. Jesus you will give me strength and faith to believe in the unseen. Lamentations 3:40-42