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Proverbs of a 35 yr old man.

I use to hide away from police. Be in secret even when I was doing nothing wrong. I was guilty in my heart even if I wasn't caught. I lived in sin and under the judgment of the law. In fear of getting in trouble for the life I was living. Now in Christ I welcome police. When one pulls up next to me or behind me I thank God for His Grace and for His Servants. Oh the difference when the law is protection for your obedience. You suffer so much in disobedience because consequences will vary. In my youth I lived under the judgment of the law. But now through Christ my life is protected by integrity. This integrity is not of my own but gained through relationship with Jesus. I don't fear the law no more because my life is being lived under Grace. Safe guarded by the word living in me and having the righteousness of Christ protecting me from the just punishment of the law. I no longer am a slave to fear I have become a child of God. I walk in the light of day in Christ to avoid seeing the sirens of trouble in the night. Judgment walks the streets, let us not fall away for lack of relationship with Jesus. The theif is stealing, killing, and destroying those living under judgment. Stay close to Christ and live under Grace. Don't fear police anymore, they are there to protect you and not harm you. They are under Divine authority. When you live under Grace you are protected by Spirit and Truth. When you live under law all that awaits you is judgment.   Study Heb. 10:26-27

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