Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Oh To Be Wise in this: You can get pride in grace when you are living the high and moral religious life. Avoiding certain shameful sins or dumb mistakes that are giving you a sense of pride, a distinguished feeling, or even superiority. In Christ there are no winners or losers, good or bad people. For God to save any of us is a miracle. We were all rebels, and just because God in his Grace kept you from the worst fruitions of your sins does not make you better than others in the body of Christ. It does not mean that you are made of something different from other people or any less of a miracle for God to save your soul. We are all from one Spirit, one faith and one baptism. Surely there is no righteous man on Earth who does good and never sins. The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it. He is the God of Peace that has and is sanctifying you completely, your spirit, soul and body. Jesus is keeping you blameless till his coming again. There are no favorites in the body of Christ. Jesus, I am encouraged and comforted by the Holy Spirit to live in a way worthy of your Kingdom and your Glory. Meditate Romans 3:23