Proverbs of a 35 yr old man.
Let me pray for you. Let me lift up holy hands to heaven for you. Let me grab a good chunk of the masters robe and lift up our hearts to him. I have the confidence that anything we ask according to his will he hears us. I have the courage in Gods presence to ask for what pleases him. To fill the hallways of heaven with the echo's of his praises and stir the Lords heart with my worship. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Call on him with sincerity, with personal integrity and he will arise our hearts! Look, I see the Son of man standing at the right hand of God! My neighbor, let me pray for you. I know I have eternal life. I am able to enter the misty fog that is the invisble God and see Jesus high and lifted up. He is so high above us, so out of this world, that the heights of his love are beyond what our eyes can see. Are you ready? Lets pray. Study 1 John 5:15-17