Oh To Be Wise Meditations
God made bridges for us to move across the mountains in our lives. Jesus is the bridge for humanity, for us to know and see God as He really is. Sadly on this bridge many do not continue their course of faith. They stall out returning back to their sinful life, never coming back to the bridge of Christ again. Others become consumed with the cares and stresses of this world. They lose faith and never make it across. But there are those who do make it through the bridge safely to meet their God. Everyday is a step forward and for every backward step is seven steps in the direction of Christ. For a righteous man may fall seven times but still gets up towards their Savior. Bridges are what helps us to move across deep dark valley's as well. Times in our lives where not only mountains block our joy. But also deep pits of sadness and pain scorch the soul. What a shame to never have even attempted to walk the bridge of Christ. He has lifted every valley and leveled every mountain by his death on the Cross. He has made the crooked way straight and the rough places a plain. Giving all humanity a highway for God to come to the desert of our hearts. The way to God has been cleared and prepared, lets walk in it and find eternal life in Christ. He is Risen! Oh Jesus, to be wise in this: So many roads in this life lead to dead ends, broken bridges, and deadly traps. Lead me Lord to the everlasting way where the road is clear and I can follow your footsteps all the way home to you. Meditate Is. 40:4