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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

The more restrictive a basic law has to get, the more it leads to greater sin in the hearts of man. If a people can't respect a basic law like do not steal, they will never be able to keep anything less. The more laws you add to deal with a basic law the more farther we get from the purpose of the original law. It is the way of sin and death, how it operates from Adam and Eve to now in our own times. Grace is the only answer for sin and not more aggressive law. We have in Christ the perfect law giver. He restored to us the law of liberty so we can live in harmony with God and man. By taking away the ceremonial laws and statues that were against us, Jesus is giving us the strength through Holy Spirit to live in purity from the original two laws: Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself. He is putting his law in our hearts through relationship with him and not us trying to measure up by works. We are pillars of faith ushering the New Kingdom of Heaven that is already here. Let us continue to grow as mature Christian's trusting in righteousness by faith. We are not bound under law but need to be free from sin to truly understand grace. We can't continue to sin while the law of Gods word is being written on our hearts by Christ. The ink of the Holy Spirit runs dry when the heart gets harden by sin. Law can be a terrible thing to waste if we allow sin to get a hold of it. Jesus please continue to write on my heart of flesh. May it be a clean template for your holy word.

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