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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

I am never alone. The shadow of the Almighty is always there protecting me. If I am made in the image of Christ, then when the light of his countenance reflects off of me it reflects his shadow. And not a shifting shadow but a constant holy covering over me and in me. If I stay in the light as he is in the light, I have peace his shadow is over me. But if I live in darkness how can I see his love for me? I would waver in faith even though I know He is there watching over me. I am a child of God and the Holy Spirit has come upon. The power of the Most High has overshadowed me to give me a light for my path. Oh Lord, how precious is your lovingkindness, I take refuge in the shadow of your wings. Like a child I hide deep in the arms of my Heavenly Father. Your love strenghthens me Abba because you uplift me with your mighty right hand. Jesus, you are a strong place for the poor in spirit and the crushed in their trouble. Yes, a safe place from the storm, a shade from the heat, when the wrath of the cruel ones are like a winter storm. Jesus your Holy Spirit is a perfect gift from above, coming down from the Fatehr of lights, with who, there is no variation or shifting shadow. Holy Spirit cover me with your anointing oil, may I reflect image of Christ. 

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