Proverbs of a 35 yr old man
Of course we are glad to be free from sins bondage. God has promised us a country, a citizenship in heaven. We have all the blessings and spiritual riches of Christ available to us right now. But we still live a sinful world, part of a fallen human race that is against God. Yes their are many in this world that are evil, very powerful and have authority over us. They live with earthly prestige in rich luxuries. We must trust that Christ has overcome this world. That soon he is coming again to bring justice and salvation for his people. Let us not be like the Israelites who God let die in the desert. They saw the miracles but didn't trust God with their future. We must live now like our future is watching. This life can become a desert to us instead of a flowing of milk and honey. Let's keep moving forward with our faith. Looking past the mirage of sin, soon to enter the promised land. Study Jude1:5