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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Lord what is truly home? Is it my own space like a personal sanctuary? Or is it a place where my friends and family are at? For many it is a childhood house, or maybe a place where they found refuge. In reality the old cliche is true, home is where the heart is. What you are building and tending to in your life grows as a spiritual home in your heart. I imagine you Jesus here on earth with no place to rest your head, leaving behind the glory of heaven for the joy set before you. Yet you still called on others to follow you. People flocked to you the great Sheperd of our souls and found there home in you. You felt at home with your people and stayed around for all to be healed. Like a sheperd that stays out in the green pastures to be near his sheep. Jesus you came from heaven to earth to establish your Kingdom. You long to gather your children the way a mother hen gathers her chicks. Though the world did not recognize you when you came the first time, you knew every one of them. You choose to suffer with humanity and forgive their sins, rather than to be in heaven with the Father without us. Father, Son, and Spirit are one. Finding there home in the heart of every human if they would chose Christ. After all, every house has a builder, but the builder of everything is God. He is erecting living temples here on earth where he can dwell at home with his people. Jesus, when you looked at the crowds how they pressed in just to touch you. It broke your heart because you wanted to heal and love everyone. What a blessing in disguise when you were taken into heaven and the Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost! You made a home in every person, a place for you to lay and rest your head. Where Holy Spirit can dwell and be a refuge for lost souls. Tell the widow and the orphan to come home. Tell the sick and dying to find rest. Tell the broken and contrite to come boldly to throne of God. Christ has made his home on earth! And it is found in the soul of every human that calls Jesus Lord and Savior of their lives. Yes come, Abba Father has a robe for you to make you feel right at home. If home is where the heart is then you do not have to wait to go to heaven to be there. Let Jesus in your heart and life right now so you can know what being at home truly is. Meditate 2 Cor. 5:8 

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