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Oh To Wise Meditations

Wicked people succeed. Wicked people live successful lives. They grow old. They become powerful. They see that their children are successful. The houses of wicked people are safe. They are not afraid. God does not punish them. Their animals mate. Their cows give birth without problems. And wicked people have many children. The little children dance. And the children enjoy music. The children enjoy musical instruments, like the harp, tambourine and flute. So, wicked people have good lives. And, wicked people die without pain. Listen to the words of the wicked: They say to God, ‘Go away! We do not want to obey your laws. We do not care about God. We do not want to serve him. If we pray, we gain nothing.’ They did not deserve to be successful. Wicked people do not often suffer, even those that lift there noses to God, live a great and productive life. Evil people do not want to serve anyone. Especially, they do not want to serve God. They only care about their own pleasure. They do not pray because they say it will not benefit them. Prayer is a waste of time to the world, only worth a name drop at most. Do not behave like them. We must be glad to serve the Lord for all He has done. Pray even if you receive no earthly benefit a holy life. Do not care if evil people live better than you. Respect God and keep his commandments. One thing you can say about God is that He is truly Good. He allows rain to fall on the good and the bad everyday. No matter what happens in this life Christ is the great equalizer. He is the gift that will keep on giving for eternity. In this life all people will have many troubles, do not fear Jesus has overcome the world! God is Good and his love is pure. This love is better than life, the wicked have not understood it. Meditate Job 21:7-16

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