Oh To Wise Meditations
The testing of my faith produces perseverance. Even if I fail many times, I am building a character that my faith can grow into. Mistakes are part of the journey of life, no one is perfect in there pursuit of holiness. Christ has set the standard and we are to uphold it through the power of Holy Spirit in our lives. All I have to do is be obedient to the call of God. When He calls out to me during the day, I say speak Lord your servant is listening. Jesus has already prayed for my victory and is interceding on my behalf. Spiritual warfare goes on behind the scenes in the affairs of man. Even still, God in Christ is encouraging us to persevere and by God's grace to count it all joy. Failure is apart of the plan of God. Hear me out first. God is using our humanity to accomplish his purposes here on earth. It is through the renewing of our minds and hearts that God works here on earth. Using one person to reach one, or one to reach the many. As we learn and teach others the word of God, we are spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom. As we problem solve and react to different situations in our lives, we are allowing the Mind of Christ to affect our daily reality. Gods word is living and active, cutting away the dead areas of our lives and restoring past mistakes. So many times we have failed God, but He has never failed us. Jesus wants us to learn from our failures and not hide from them. I am ashamed of the many evil thing I have done. It is only through the grace of God daily that I am able to repair the damaged that I have caused in my heart and life. I will depend on Jesus plan for my life and move forward towards the upward call of holiness. Allowing perseverance to finish its work, so that I may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Meditate James 1:3