Oh To Be Wise Meditations
LORD, Why Pray? Why do need to pray when we know you know everything and that you are in control? Can I do anything to change your mind? I am not perfect, will you still hear my prayers and answer when I call? I must go over the facts of your word and strengthen myself in your truths. You ask me to pray without ceasing, this is something very important to you LORD. Teach me and help me to pray more. One thing I know is that prayer is a form of serving you. Jesus prayed constantly, and we should follow his example that He left for us. But more than just serving you, prayer is the way you want us to find solutions for difficult situations. Things like major decisions in our lives, demonic oppression, spiritual harvest, gaining strength to overcome temptation, and strengthening others spiritually. We must come to you with our specific requests knowing that you have promised to hear our prayers. You have promised that when we ask for things that are in accordance with your will, you will give us what we ask for. Sometimes you delays your answers according to your wisdom and for our benefit. In these situations, we are to be diligent and persistent in prayer. Prayer should not be seen as our means of getting you to do our will on earth, but rather as a means of getting your will done on earth. Jesus, your wisdom far exceeds our own. We spend some much time trying to discern things with wit and charm in our own wisdom. It is better to spend time in prayer discerning your will in every aspect of our lives. We do not have because we do not ask in prayer and supplication. LORD help me to stop asking and start praying your will which is a better form of asking. We go into situations blindly daily when we do not prepare in prayer. Gods peace prepared in your heart alone is a good reason to pray more. A lack of prayer demonstrates a lack of faith and a lack of trust in God’s Word. We demonstrate our faith in Jesus the best through prayer, relying on the promise of his Word that He will bless us more than what we can ask or think. Prayer is a great test to our faith. If we truly believe in God we will show it through a obedient prayer life. The fervent prayer of a righteous person accomplishes much. God send His Son Jesus to make us righteous before Him. There is no excuse for prayer not to be as constant as breathing. Jesus is our access to heaven and he is just a breath of prayer away. Why pray? Simply said, I believe in you Jesus. Study Romans 5:19
