Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Sons of God, say that the LORD is glorious. Say that the LORD is powerful.
v2 Say that the LORD has a glorious name. Say all this to the LORD that is beautiful and holy.
v3 The voice of the LORD is on the waters. The glorious God is thundering. The LORD is on the great waters.
v4 The voice of the LORD is powerful. The voice of the LORD is beautiful.
v5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedar trees. The LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon.
v6 He makes Lebanon jump like a young cow and Sirion like a young wild animal.
v7 The voice of the LORD makes fire in the sky.
v8 The voice of the LORD makes the desert move, the LORD makes the desert of Kadesh move.
v9 The voice of the LORD blows strongly on the trees and he blows everything from the forest. But in his temple everyone says that he is glorious.
v10 The LORD was king at the time of the Flood. The LORD will always be king.
v11 The LORD will make his people strong. The LORD will give his people peace.
Psalm 29 Easy English Bible