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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Jesus, have it all. Take my whole heart and make it submissive to Holy Spirit. I am tired of living in the flesh and want to live in the joy of your presence. You call us to guard our hearts because it is the wellspring of life. Everything we do and say comes from the depths of our hearts. Our minds are wired to sin and selfishness which turns our hearts away from God. This is why God wants us to submit to the Spirit of Christ daily. Jesus came to be born in our hearts anew so that we can have new lives apart from the ruin of sin. With my whole heart, with my whole life, and with my innermost being, I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God! LORD Jesus, you are my soul's celebration. Yes, have my heart, my will, and my soul. Jesus have my hopes, my dreams, and my world. With joy I lay it down and with joy I cast my crowns. To You I bring my praise, my lips, and my song. A living sacrifice as one reborn. Your life is now my own and your will is what I want. Jesus have your church, your love, your bride. The joy for which you freely gave your life. Radiant in white, washed and purified. Have it all Jesus. All my days, all my life, King Jesus take my heart and my soul for your Kingdom.

Meditate Duet. 4:29


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