Proverbs of 38 yr old man
The Earth is a hospital. To better understand our world and make better sense of it, think of it as a hospital. So what happens at a hospital daily? A lot actually that represents our world perfectly. There is a beautiful but heartbreaking need for a hospital. Amazing things happen there like new life and healing. Babies are born fresh everyday out of their mothers womb. Going home with their mom and dad to begin a new journey. Also at a hospital you will see healing, where constant rehabilitation has proved well and patients get to go home. You see miracle surgeries on patients from talented surgeons. You see great care from your nurses and physicians as people are stewarded well back to good health. But then you will see some sad things like people coming in through emergency room trying to find out what's wrong. You will see people that have been sick for a very long time waiting for the right treatment and improvement. Worse of all you see sickness that leads to death. A lot of people die in surgery, from underlying conditions, and from malpractice. So much is happening daily at a hospital, it is sobering what happens there daily. A traffic of so many lives and stories passing each other in hopes of real lasting change. Jesus came to our world to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent. Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick are in need of healing and salvation. The Earth is a hospital and life and death happen everyday. Jesus is committed to our world and works tirelessly to save the souls of humanity. Through Holy Spirit He is saving lives in life and in death. Changing people into living sacrifices, being renewed and restored with complete healing. And even in death, people are receiving life that will never end because of their trust in Jesus. He calls us to be his light and love in this Earth that is like hospital. Filled with the Spirit of Christ we can proclaim the favorable year of the LORD! Healing in his wings as he covers us with his tender mercies. A lot is going on in this earthly hospital, take a moment to see what a wonderful world it is even in the heartbreak. It's a busy world and life and death happens everyday. But Jesus holds all things together as he works all things together for our good. Yes, the earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.
Study Luke 4:18