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Proverbs of a 38 yr old man

A power strip gives you the ability to plug multiple devices into a single wall outlet. And a surge protector is a type of power strip which is specifically designed to withstand a power surge and keep your electronics safe. I see many people living single corded lives and their hearts not even three pronged in Christ. They try connect to the outlet of faith directly avoiding fellowship and connection. They are soon burnt out by one of the Enemies power surges and advances in their life. And begin to unplug deny God's power in their lives, they are like a dusty plug laying on the floor. So much potential God has for them if only they were to plug in to real spirit and life. Yes, you your were meant for so much more, to be plugged into a power strip of believers and not just power and show for yourself. You to be like a light in a room but what good are you if you are not plugged in. And not just plugged in but actually able to give light even in the worst of times and trouble. Power surges and outages come and go, but the Body of Christ is like a power strip connected with power surge protection. We daily live in the outlet of faith and power surges will come our way, many times for testing and preparing in case of harsh storms. But praise God you protected yourself from burn out and doubt by being plugged in together as a power strip body. Jesus is our house of faith and he has wired our hearts throughout. That is why it is imperative to be and stay plugged in to the power source of Holy Spirit by faith. So I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Stop living a plug-less life.

Study Eccles. 4:12


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