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Proverbs of a 38 yr old man

Counterpunch. A good definition for this word is a punch thrown in return for one received. Giving a blow right back in retaliation instead of cowering back in fear and pain. Life can throw punches at you and knock you back from your dreams and passions. Many times we take the bad things that happen to us on the chin and never get up again. We have been hit so many times with bad news that we stopped believing in God. If we are to live this life by faith then we ought to develop a good defense strategy. But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who slander you may be put to shame by your good behavior in Christ. When trials and tribulation come our way we have to counterpunch with prayer. Prayers of petition, of fasting, and of thanksgiving. We should always pray and not give up, yes to pray without ceasing. Lets counter punch the attacks of the enemy and the wicked man by doing good. Its the only way to defeat evil and calamity that will come to us in our lives. Wait upon the LORD, I say wait. Those who hope in the LORD will find new strength and will run and not grow weary. Life may get you on chin, but get ready to give the counterpunch of good works produced by faith in Jesus. You will start to see openings in the difficulties you are facing and then able to pray into those spaces. You will also see how God can use you in the midst of a trial to be a blessing to others. What a satisfying feeling it is when you know your opponent has whiffed leaving them vulnerable to your counterpunch. The enemy of our souls whiffed at the Cross, and now the Body of Christ is the counterpunch. Oh LORD use me, train my fingers for battle in the Spirit. For you alone are the Champion of Heaven.

Study 1 Timothy 1:5


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