Proverbs of a 39 yr old man
No Salt. No Love. You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. Anything we do without love is like eating a great looking meal but with no salt added. The meal is to hard to eat and stomach, and to think that is how people feel about our love and care for them many times. Think about the things you do with minimal effort, doing it forced. You can tell many times there was no love or drive involved in these things done, even if what was asked was accomplished. This is why Scripture also calls us to be gracious even with our words seasoning them with salt. This so that we know how to answer a person not only shrewdly but lovingly in the love of Christ. We need his love in our lives so that we can produce a salt worthy of the Kingdom. The world knows how to produce a love that is fleshly and prideful. But the love of God is actually pure and holy. The Spirit of Christ births in us new holy desires as we begin to cover the Earth with the salt of Christ's love. So many people in this world are living tasteless lives, never having the opportunity of knowing the great love Jesus has for there souls. All they know is the bitter taste of sin and regret that leads to death. If only the salted soul would share the love God in Christ has been producing in them? That is why God calls us to go into the world and be his salt shakers. What good is the love you show if it is not first covered in the grace and mercy of Christs blood and sacrifice? Christians who obey God and do his will serve as a preservative of the human race and the earth by slowing down the moral and spiritual decay of the world around them. As the salt of the earth we need to live pure lives as much as possible so that we can maximize our ability to "flavor" or bless others through our good works. When we mix our salt with the ways of the world we end up with with false doctrines of love, losing our purity and our original intended goal. This will eventually lead us to becoming worthless and hollow salt with no love. With no use that not even world needs your love and dedication, just your sinful cooperation.
Study Job 6:6