Proverbs of a 41 yr. old man.
Mold Your Heart
1.God honors wet feet, not cold feet.
2.Sometimes tough love is just being present and showing you care. 
3. If you want your food to taste good show honor not only to the chef but to those waiting on you.
4. Our lives are a preparation for us to truly understand the truth. It may take a moment, or a long life lived. But eventually every knee will bow down to Him who is the way, the life, and the truth. 
5. Freedom is found when we live in God's design for us.
6.Why does soil smell so good? It must be that we came from dust and return to dust.
7. Let it go. Little by little so you can make space to receive more.
8. Show me what you are willing to suffer for and I will show you your passion.
9. There are things we have to go through in order to be where God wants us to be.
10. Every day is a Sabbath. Every day is the day the Lord has made. And every day is a day to find rest in Christ.
11. The less you spend on yourself the more you can spend on others.
12. Never commit a felony to avoid a misdemeanor.
13. The love of God is the root of all that is good and holy. 
14. Your presence is often you're blessing.
15. It is lawful to love every day.
16. Sometimes healing requires more courage than faith.
17. We know you would die for your family, but would you live for them?
18. When a woman asks you to do something for them do it as exactly as she says. 
19. Some of the greatest things you will do will never be seen by man but only by God.
20. I don't like people telling me what to do. But I like telling people what to do.
21. Your effort of worship determines the depth of the seed of God's Word getting into you. 
22. A man's wealth is the LORD Himself.
23. A wise person thinks a lot about death.
24. The earthly life of Jesus was preparation for the Cross. He was a living sacrifice so that we could be one too.
25. The world has no answer for sin.
26. God works in seasons more than he does in miracles.
27. Love your spouse like they are the most beautiful person in the world. You will start to notice the beauty of their heart more than their faults.
28. Your Spirit, your inner man is the heartbeat of the soul just as the physical heart is the heartbeat of the body.
29. Anger will not defend you. Nor will it satisfy you because you've trampled your integrity. In fact, anger makes the innocent party look foolish when truth and justice should calmingly prevail.
30. Thank God for people more than earthly things. People are so valuable to God and should be to us.
31. The point of tithing is asking God to provide for you. You are giving him margin to provide. 
32. Grace to overcome sin is the greatest gift from a Holy and Perfect God.
33. A baby is always a blessing no matter the circumstances.
34. The LORD does not want us to obey Him as slaves but as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.
35. How can someone understand you if you don't understand yourself?
36. God is love. But love is not love apart from Him. For example, the love of sin is not from God.
37. The LORD does his most impressive work through the frailty of man. 
38. Just a small act of obedience can connect us to wisdom and power of God in Christ. 
39. Godly maturity can be seen in our prayers and knowing what to pray for is real growth in relationship with God.
40. You don't really honor somebody until you show them you care.
41. If we don't feel connected to people, we start to lose interest and heart for one another. How much more with God?
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