Proverbs of a 39 yr old man.
Seasoned with Salt and Fire
1. Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.
2. Learn from the past and prepare for the future. But live in the present.
3. Spend time in the facts so that you can form an opinion.
4. Jesus you are the dream I can't wait to come true.
5. Your doubly dead if you have no fruit and have been uprooted.
6. You will never have enough undeniable proof. It's always going to take at least a little faith as evidence.
7. Live from a state of peace and you will bear the fruit of a quiet spirit before God.
8. God disciplines us for our good so that we may share in His Holiness.
9. Secrets lose all their power when they become known. And it's always our secrets that destroy us.
10. It's ok to be frugal just don't be cheap.
11. The devil probably hates thunderstorms. It reminds him of when he fell from heaven like lightning.
12. The LORD wants to be a mighty fortress in you.
13. Within God's forgiveness is His Power.
14. As the nails pierced Jesus hands and feet, our chains to sin and death were being loosened and unchained.
15. Every time you use your gifts for the LORD it is a miracle.
16. Love the LORD Fearlessly.
17. Be careful not to love yourself more than God.
18. So much has been forgotten rather than shared.
19. When you're in pain the best remedy is His Presence.
20. It's exciting to watch things grow.
21. It's not about what you have its about what you do with what you have.
22. Walking in the Spirit shows that I am Living in the Spirit.
23. We should realize that we will suffer the results of our actions.
24. People have hard lives. Even those who are more fortunate than others.
25. I have been saved: I am being saved. I will be saved.
26. Walk in so much authority that you live out the first will be last.
27. Good leaders come and go. What matters is what they have left behind for others to emulate.
28. Love does not need to be perfect but it needs to be honest.
29. Why is it when your in a rush no one else is?
30. Everyone should have someone praying for them.
31. Just a small commitment will lead to a bigger contribution.
32. Some things never need to be said; but only lead by example.
33. When children do not obey their parents, all kinds of problems develop in society.
34. We live in God's world, not our world.
35. The greatest gifts are born in the greatest of pains. Oh, that Christ would be formed in us.
36. This is no coincidence. As we continue to go boldly before the throne room of Heaven in prayer. We start to become more embolden to pray here on earth.
37. Love needs to be patient so that it allows truth to work itself out and do its perfect work of righteousness.
38. God was wise and decided not to let people of this world use their wisdom to learn about Him.
39. Be humble and people will realize that they need you. Sometimes we rush to prove ourselves right when all we needed to do was to be humble and let things come to us.