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Manuel J. Ramos
Jan 22, 2025
In Welcome to the Forum
Join Johnny on Worship Mondays 1/20/25 5:00am-6:00am. Come worship with some brothers that love the LORD Jesus. Come practice the presence of God! Passcode: qku!5g^s
Manuel J. Ramos
Dec 30, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Praise and Worship Mondays. Come and learn to worship with all your heart with some brothers. Passcode: 65oCam5&
Manuel J. Ramos
Dec 25, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Good morning brother. Beautiful time in His Presence as always.MerryChristmas brother. 05:06:14 From Harry to Everyone: Good morning brother, Topic: If You Love Me. Do you love God? John 14:15-30, Mark 10:17-27, Matt. 7:21-23 Summary: Christ reassures His followers that faith in Him is faith in God. To know Christ is to know ''the way, and the truth, and the life'' (John 14:6). The words, actions, and miracles of Jesus should give Christians confidence to trust that He will make good on His promises. Among those are His guarantee that He is preparing to come for us, so we can be where He is. Jesus also predicts the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is only available to believers, and this Helper acts to guide, teach, and remind us. Both for the disciples, and for future Christians, these words are meant to be comforting during hard times. Since Christ knew, in advance, what would happen, we can be even more confident to trust Him. 05:09:13 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Good Morning Mighty Men of GOD ALMIGHTY!!! ❤️📖🙏🏿🙌🏿🔥👑🩸 Dennis Thicklin, Juan Wyatte:❤️ 05:11:01 From Harry to Patrick (direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: If You Love Me. Do you love God? John 14:15-30, Mark 10:17-27, Matt. 7:21-23 Summary: Christ reassures His followers that faith in Him is faith in God. To know Christ is to know ''the way, and the truth, and the life'' (John 14:6). The words, actions, and miracles of Jesus should give Christians confidence to trust that He will make good on His promises. Among those are His guarantee that He is preparing to come for us, so we can be where He is. Jesus also predicts the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is only available to believers, and this Helper acts to guide, teach, and remind us. Both for the disciples, and for future Christians, these words are meant to be comforting during hard times. Since Christ knew, in advance, what would happen, we can be even more confident to trust Him. 05:11:12 From Harry to Elvin Ramos (direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: If You Love Me. Do you love God? John 14:15-30, Mark 10:17-27, Matt. 7:21-23 Summary: Christ reassures His followers that faith in Him is faith in God. To know Christ is to know ''the way, and the truth, and the life'' (John 14:6). The words, actions, and miracles of Jesus should give Christians confidence to trust that He will make good on His promises. Among those are His guarantee that He is preparing to come for us, so we can be where He is. Jesus also predicts the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is only available to believers, and this Helper acts to guide, teach, and remind us. Both for the disciples, and for future Christians, these words are meant to be comforting during hard times. Since Christ knew, in advance, what would happen, we can be even more confident to trust Him. 05:11:25 From Harry to Vasco Duke (direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: If You Love Me. Do you love God? John 14:15-30, Mark 10:17-27, Matt. 7:21-23 Summary: Christ reassures His followers that faith in Him is faith in God. To know Christ is to know ''the way, and the truth, and the life'' (John 14:6). The words, actions, and miracles of Jesus should give Christians confidence to trust that He will make good on His promises. Among those are His guarantee that He is preparing to come for us, so we can be where He is. Jesus also predicts the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is only available to believers, and this Helper acts to guide, teach, and remind us. Both for the disciples, and for future Christians, these words are meant to be comforting during hard times. Since Christ knew, in advance, what would happen, we can be even more confident to trust Him. 05:11:44 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: A little humor:  What Did Santa Claus say to His Wife ( Eve ) the day before CHRISTMAS? 🤔….. It’s CHRISTMAS 🎄 EVE!!! 😳 Juan Wyatte, Dennis Thicklin:😂 05:16:47 From iPhone to Everyone: Good morning brothers Juan Wyatte, Harry:❤️ 05:18:37 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund: 05:20:58 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: ““If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”” ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭15‬-‭21‬ ‭ 05:23:00 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?” Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭22‬-‭26‬ ‭ 05:23:22 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. “You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe. I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me,” ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬-‭30‬ ‭ 05:24:31 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’” “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.” Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭10‬:‭17‬-‭21‬ ‭ 05:24:56 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” The disciples were even more amazed, and said to each other, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭10‬:‭22‬-‭27‬ ‭ 05:25:54 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: ““Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ ‭ 05:30:57 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Keeping the commandments of Jesus does speak to our personal morality, yet His emphasis was on love for others and faith in Him as demonstrations of obedience to His commandments. 05:44:14 From Harry to David Fry (direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: If You Love Me. Do you love God? John 14:15-30, Mark 10:17-27, Matt. 7:21-23 Summary: Christ reassures His followers that faith in Him is faith in God. To know Christ is to know ''the way, and the truth, and the life'' (John 14:6). The words, actions, and miracles of Jesus should give Christians confidence to trust that He will make good on His promises. Among those are His guarantee that He is preparing to come for us, so we can be where He is. Jesus also predicts the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is only available to believers, and this Helper acts to guide, teach, and remind us. Both for the disciples, and for future Christians, these words are meant to be comforting during hard times. Since Christ knew, in advance, what would happen, we can be even more confident to trust Him.
Manuel J. Ramos
Dec 23, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Link: Passcode: =iaT!5?# Come and worship with some brothers in Christ!
Manuel J. Ramos
Dec 17, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Come worship with some brothers. Worship time was recorded: Passcode: a1WC^k=y
Manuel J. Ramos
Dec 17, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Topic: Habakkuk – Wrestling with God’s Timing: Hab. 1:1-4, 12-17. Eccles. 3:1 Summary: In the face of injustice and violence, Habakkuk expressed his anger towards God, questioning why He allowed such acts to persist. Habakkuk’s dialogue with God ultimately led to a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and the assurance that justice would prevail in due time. Dennis Thicklin, Juan Wyatte, Manny Ramos:❤️ Dennis Thicklin, Juan Wyatte, Manny Ramos:👑 Dennis Thicklin, Juan Wyatte, Manny Ramos:🙏🏾 05:11:03 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Good Morning ☀️ Zoom Battle PRAYER Brothers!!! 🙌🏿❤️🔥🦅📖👑 Juan Wyatte:❤️ 05:11:52 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “The prophecy that Habakkuk the prophet received. How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save? Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds. Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.” ‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭ 05:12:29 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “Lord, are you not from everlasting? My God, my Holy One, you will never die. You, Lord, have appointed them to execute judgment; you, my Rock, have ordained them to punish. Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrongdoing. Why then do you tolerate the treacherous? Why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves? You have made people like the fish in the sea, like the sea creatures that have no ruler. The wicked foe pulls all of them up with hooks, he catches them in his net, he gathers them up in his dragnet; and so he rejoices and is glad. Therefore he sacrifices to his net and burns incense to his dragnet, for by his net he lives in luxury and enjoys the choicest food. Is he to keep on emptying his net, destroying nations without mercy?” ‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬-‭17‬ ‭ 05:13:13 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭ 05:13:44 From Harry to Elvin Ramos (direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Habakkuk – Wrestling with God’s Timing: Hab. 1:1-4, 12-17. Eccles. 3:1 Summary: In the face of injustice and violence, Habakkuk expressed his anger towards God, questioning why He allowed such acts to persist. Habakkuk’s dialogue with God ultimately led to a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and the assurance that justice would prevail in due time. 05:16:13 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund: Dennis Thicklin:❤️ 05:22:10 From Harry to Vasco Duke (direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Habakkuk – Wrestling with God’s Timing: Hab. 1:1-4, 12-17. Eccles. 3:1 Summary: In the face of injustice and violence, Habakkuk expressed his anger towards God, questioning why He allowed such acts to persist. Habakkuk’s dialogue with God ultimately led to a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and the assurance that justice would prevail in due time. 05:26:55 From Harry to JC (direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Habakkuk – Wrestling with God’s Timing: Hab. 1:1-4, 12-17. Eccles. 3:1 Summary: In the face of injustice and violence, Habakkuk expressed his anger towards God, questioning why He allowed such acts to persist. Habakkuk’s dialogue with God ultimately led to a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and the assurance that justice would prevail in due time. 05:29:45 From Harry to Matthew (direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Habakkuk – Wrestling with God’s Timing: Hab. 1:1-4, 12-17. Eccles. 3:1 Summary: In the face of injustice and violence, Habakkuk expressed his anger towards God, questioning why He allowed such acts to persist. Habakkuk’s dialogue with God ultimately led to a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and the assurance that justice would prevail in due time. 05:37:58 From Patrick to Everyone: In wrestling there , we starting standing. There is an initial interaction called a tie or a collar tie. It is the first interaction to kind of gauge the opponents strengths and look for a hold. Our "why" may be the thing the causes us to engage why God . I bless God (or should bless God) for the ugly things that have happened to me because if I am going to get tangled up with someone I d rather it be him. 05:39:18 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Be BETTER, Not Bitter!!! ❤️💪🏾📖 Juan Wyatte, Dennis Thicklin:❤️ Dennis Thicklin:📖 Quick recap The group discussed the importance of faith, trust in God's timing, and the concept of seasons in life, using the example of the prophet Habakkuk from the Old Testament. They also reflected on the book of Habakkuk and its relevance to contemporary issues, emphasizing the need for love, respect, and kindness towards each other, and the importance of understanding God's timing and the need for the Holy Spirit to guide them. The conversation ended with discussions on the concept of God's plan, the importance of surrendering to God's will, and the transformative experience of God's silence. Next steps • All members to pray for each other and support one another through difficult times. • All members to focus on loving their enemies and responding with love when faced with rejection or mistreatment. • All members to spend more time in God's presence and reading Scripture to strengthen their faith. • Manny to lead discussion on wrestling with God's silence at the next meeting, focusing on David and Job. • All members to reflect on how God has worked through difficult circumstances in their lives to reveal His will. • All members to practice surrendering their time and lives to God's control daily. • Patrick to seek opportunities to respond with love to coworkers who have excluded him. • All members to contribute to the spot fund as they are able to help others in need. • Johnny to continue leading Monday worship sessions for the group. Summary Emotional Support and Worship Session Juan shared his emotional state with the group, expressing his vulnerability and seeking their prayers. Manny and the others offered support and encouragement, emphasizing the importance of faith and trust in God's timing. The group then welcomed Harry, who led the worship session with various songs and hymns. The conversation ended with a sense of unity and spiritual connection among the participants. God's Timing and Trust in Seasons In the meeting, the group began with a prayer led by Manny, followed by a brief word from Harry. They then discussed the topic of God's timing, using the example of the prophet Habakkuk from the Old Testament. They emphasized the importance of patience and trust in God's plan, even when faced with challenges and injustices. The group also discussed the concept of seasons in life, as mentioned in Ecclesiastes 3:1. They encouraged each other to persevere and trust in God's timing, and to use the chat function to share thoughts and prayer requests. The conversation ended with an update about the worship Mondays and the importance of practicing the discipline of worship. Worship, Fellowship, and God's Timing Manny led a discussion on the importance of worship and fellowship, encouraging the group to reach out to more men for their ministry. He also announced the open spot fund, which had raised over $2,000 and given away over $1,000 to help people in need. Manny then led a Bible study on Habakkuk, focusing on God's timing and sovereignty. The group read and reflected on various verses from Habakkuk, with Juan leading the reading. Manny emphasized the importance of trusting in God's perfect timing, even in times of struggle and uncertainty. Habakkuk's Relevance to Contemporary Struggles The meeting involved a discussion about the book of Habakkuk and its relevance to contemporary issues. Juan shared his personal struggles as a black man in America, and how the book's themes of injustice and suffering resonated with him. Dennis also shared his experiences with prejudice and how he found solace in God's love and timing. The group reflected on the importance of understanding God's timing and the need for the Holy Spirit to guide them. They also discussed the need for love, respect, and kindness towards each other, regardless of differences. The conversation ended with a call to action, encouraging the group to continue seeking God's guidance and love. God's Timing and Patience in Blessings Manny led a discussion on the concept of God's timing and the importance of waiting patiently for His blessings and provisions. He used the story of Hagar from the Bible to illustrate the consequences of acting impulsively and not waiting for God's timing. Juan added to the discussion, emphasizing the need to learn from past mistakes and trust in God's plan. Manny also highlighted the idea that delay does not necessarily mean denial, and that God's timing is not to be questioned. Dennis ended the conversation with a personal testimony, urging everyone to put their matters into God's hands and trust in His unchanging and perfect plan. Embracing Love and Wisdom in Conflict Manny discussed the importance of standing boldly like a lion, being wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove, as exemplified by Martin Luther King Jr. He emphasized the need to handle injustice with truth and love, rather than resorting to violence. Vasco shared his personal experience of dealing with a coworker who seemed to enjoy causing pain, but he chose to love her as Jesus taught. Vasco also highlighted the difficulty of loving one's enemies, but the importance of following Jesus' commandment to do so. Manny concluded by sharing his own experiences of turning enemies into friends through love and humility, illustrating the power of God's timing and love. Embracing Love, Happiness, and God's Guidance Juan emphasized the importance of living life to the fullest and seeking God's guidance in all aspects. He highlighted the need to embrace love and happiness, and to understand that God is always in control. Manny echoed these sentiments, stressing the importance of redeeming time and being mindful of the people in our lives. He also mentioned the importance of loving enemies and seeking forgiveness. The conversation ended with prayers and reflections from various participants, expressing gratitude for the fellowship and seeking God's guidance and blessings. Embracing Differences and Choosing Love Patrick shared his personal struggles with embracing his differences and the challenges of being despised and rejected. He emphasized the importance of choosing to respond in love, even when faced with adversity. He also shared a personal experience of having to release himself to a process that required him to let go of his own desires and will. Dennis then led a prayer, expressing gratitude for God's forgiveness and power, and asking for guidance in giving love and showing friendship. The conversation ended with a sense of unity and a focus on the importance of love and forgiveness. Embracing Suffering and God's Guidance In the meeting, Patrick shared his personal experiences of suffering and how they led him to seek God's guidance. He emphasized the importance of embracing the challenges and finding consolation in God's counsel. Manny echoed Patrick's sentiments, sharing his own experiences of suffering and how they led him to understand God's will. Both agreed that their unique experiences made them distinctive and allowed them to reveal God's will to others. They also discussed the concept of "crooked things" and how God can make them straight for His purpose. The conversation ended with Manny promising to return to Patrick after attending to other matters. Exploring God's Plan and Time In the meeting, Harrison and Manny discussed the concept of God's plan and how it can lead to personal growth and spiritual development. They emphasized the importance of surrendering to God's will and trusting in His strength during times of suffering. Manny also shared his thoughts on the concept of "time" and how it is in God's hands. The conversation ended with a discussion on the topic of God's silence and how it can be a challenging but transformative experience. The participants expressed their gratitude for the fellowship and looked forward to future discussions.
Manuel J. Ramos
Dec 10, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Good morning brother. Character Study Series: Wrestling with God. We don't wrestle with flesh and blood. Topic: Jacob Gen. 31, 32 Summary: Wrestling with God is asking him for what we want, persisting in prayer, crying out to him for ourselves and others. There can be no detachment or apathy in wrestling; it involves direct and constant contact. When we wrestle, we believe that our cries and prayers matter. We have hope that our situation will change. We are fully engaged. 05:08:54 From Harry to Elvin Ramos (direct message): Good morning brother. Character Study Series: Wrestling with God. We don't wrestle with flesh and blood. Topic: Jacob Gen. 31, 32 Summary: Wrestling with God is asking him for what we want, persisting in prayer, crying out to him for ourselves and others. There can be no detachment or apathy in wrestling; it involves direct and constant contact. When we wrestle, we believe that our cries and prayers matter. We have hope that our situation will change. We are fully engaged. 05:09:09 From Harry to Matthew (direct message): Good morning brother. Character Study Series: Wrestling with God. We don't wrestle with flesh and blood. Topic: Jacob Gen. 31, 32 Summary: Wrestling with God is asking him for what we want, persisting in prayer, crying out to him for ourselves and others. There can be no detachment or apathy in wrestling; it involves direct and constant contact. When we wrestle, we believe that our cries and prayers matter. We have hope that our situation will change. We are fully engaged. 05:16:09 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund: Dennis Thicklin:❤️ 05:21:05 From Harry to Scott Moffat (direct message): Good morning brother. Character Study Series: Wrestling with God. We don't wrestle with flesh and blood. Topic: Jacob Gen. 31, 32 Summary: Wrestling with God is asking him for what we want, persisting in prayer, crying out to him for ourselves and others. There can be no detachment or apathy in wrestling; it involves direct and constant contact. When we wrestle, we believe that our cries and prayers matter. We have hope that our situation will change. We are fully engaged. 05:24:25 From Patrick to Everyone: Wrestling with God is alot like Captin Kirk asking Scotty for 105% on the reactor.....105% is possible but not recommended. Manny Ramos, Juan Wyatte, Dennis Thicklin:❤️ 05:40:06 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: #ARealChristian 💪🏾❤️📖🙏🏿 05:46:58 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: I will not quit. Therefore I will not be defeated. Meeting summary for Manny Ramos's Personal Meeting Room (12/10/2024) Quick recap The team discussed the concept of wrestling with God, using the example of Jacob, and its significance in personal and spiritual growth. They also emphasized the importance of perseverance, resilience, discipline, forgiveness, and holding onto one's birthright, drawing from biblical stories and personal experiences. The conversation ended with a reflection on the importance of seeking God's presence and guidance in all situations. Next steps • All attendees to study and reflect on the life of Elijah in preparation for tomorrow's discussion. • All attendees to consider how Elijah wrestled with God before the next meeting. • All attendees to prepare for discussing Jonah's life on Friday. • Jack to be supported and prayed for by the group during his current life challenges. • Nicholas Gutierrez to be prayed for regarding his surgical procedure and struggle with addiction. • All attendees to practice forgiveness in their daily lives as a way to show love. • All attendees to continue persevering in seeking God and holding onto His promises. Summary Wrestling With God" Series Discussion The meeting began with a worship session led by Harry, followed by a prayer led by Manny. The group then discussed a new series titled "Wrestling with God," which will be a character study of people in the Bible. They expressed their excitement for this new series and thanked God for the opportunity to gather together. The conversation ended with a prayer led by Harry, seeking God's guidance and blessings for the day. Wrestling With God for Transformation Manny led a discussion about wrestling with God, using the example of Jacob, who wrestled with God and was given a new name, Israel. Manny emphasized the importance of wrestling with God in a way that leads to transformation and a deeper relationship with Him. He also encouraged the participants to share their thoughts and experiences through the chat function or by raising their hands. Manny reminded the group about the upcoming worship session on Mondays and the new pilot program on Wednesdays. He also encouraged the group to use the Spot Fund to help each other, especially during the Christmas season. Jacob's Transformation and New Names Manny discusses resetting the Zoom battle prayer program for the new year, allowing everyone to participate again. Harry reads from Genesis 32:22-32, describing Jacob wrestling with God and receiving the new name Israel. Harry notes how God changed Jacob's name from "deceiver" to Israel. Johnny highlights Jacob's persistence in wrestling with God all night to receive a blessing, and how God gives new names symbolizing changed lives, like with Abraham and Peter. Manny is struck by how Jacob, known as a deceiver, struggled with God and had his name and identity transformed, earning respect from others who would not eat the strained tendon in remembrance. Persistence, Resilience, and Discipline The team discussed the concepts of persistence, resilience, and discipline. Manny clarified that persistence and resilience are closely tied, with persistence being the intentionality of sticking with something through difficult times, and resilience being the ability to bounce back from setbacks. He also suggested that discipline is a byproduct of persistence and resilience. Dennis added that persistence and resilience are resources that can be used for good or ill, depending on what one is persistent and resilient towards. Scott emphasized the importance of staying connected with God to know what to persist and be resilient in. The team also discussed the biblical concept of Jacob's ladder, which represents the divine connection between God and the earthly realm. The conversation ended with Juan sharing his thoughts on the concepts of persistence and resilience. Perseverance, Resilience, and Breaking Cycles The team discussed the importance of perseverance, resilience, and discipline in their personal and spiritual lives. They used the example of Jacob, who demonstrated these qualities in his pursuit of God and his determination to overcome challenges. The team also reflected on the consequences of not breaking generational cycles of behavior, using the example of Esau's actions towards Jacob. They concluded by emphasizing the need to submit to God for blessings to come, drawing from their own experiences. Wrestling, Persistence, and Resilience Discussed In the meeting, Dennis shared a personal story about wrestling with a friend, Steve, and how it taught him about persistence and the importance of not quitting. He also mentioned a quote from Pastor Gregory Paul, "I will not quit. Therefore I cannot be defeated." Patrick then shared his thoughts on wrestling with God, emphasizing the importance of technical expertise, strength, and willpower. He also discussed the story of a moose standing up against a steam train, drawing parallels to Jacob's persistence with God. Manny ended the conversation by reflecting on the resilience of Joseph, attributing it to his father's teachings and experiences. Jacob's Transformation and Prayer Requests Manny led the meeting, emphasizing the importance of transformation and living for God. He shared insights from the story of Jacob, highlighting the significance of a new name and the need to let go of the past. Manny also encouraged the brothers to share their thoughts and prayers, and Elvin prayed for a brother struggling with addiction and a surgical procedure. The conversation ended with a sense of unity and a call to persevere in their faith. Seeking Guidance and Vulnerability Manny expressed his desire to have more vulnerable and encouraging men around him, especially young men who need guidance. Elvin shared his experience of helping a young man who was struggling with the weight of responsibility and the need for transparency. Patrick discussed Jacob's story from the Bible, emphasizing the importance of holding onto God's promises and trusting in His blessings. Dennis ended the conversation with a prayer, expressing gratitude for God's blessings and encouragement to continue growing in wisdom and faith. Holding Onto One's Birthright In the meeting, Dennis shared a story about a Sunday school teacher's joke about Esau and Jacob, highlighting the importance of holding onto one's birthright. Patrick then elaborated on the contrast between Esau and Jacob, emphasizing the need to hold onto one's birthright and not give up due to hunger or other desires. Manny agreed, emphasizing the importance of God's promises and the need to release anger onto God rather than others. The group also discussed the importance of seeking God's guidance in all situations and learning from Christ's life. The conversation ended with a reflection on the significance of Valentine's Day, the day of love, and the importance of learning to love. Practicing Forgiveness for Healing Relationships Patrick emphasized the importance of loving and forgiving others, even when they may be irritating or frustrating. He suggested that this approach could help heal others' wounds and prevent further hurt. Manny agreed, sharing his experience of practicing forgiveness with his technicians at work. He noted that this approach not only improved their work relationships but also helped the technicians overcome their struggles with affirmation. Both Patrick and Manny concluded that practicing forgiveness is a crucial aspect of showing love and helping others. Perseverance, Faith, and Wrestling With God In the meeting, Manny shared his personal experience of perseverance and faith in God, emphasizing the importance of not giving up even when faced with challenges. Juan and Elvin also shared their experiences of trials and the importance of forgiveness and perseverance. The group discussed the concept of wrestling with God and the need to stay in the fight. They also discussed the idea of seeking God's presence throughout the day and the importance of not settling for the first offering or the initial message. The group ended the conversation with a prayer for blessings and a hope to see each other again the next morning.
Manuel J. Ramos
Dec 10, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Come worship with some brothers that love the LORD! Share Link Passcode: rjK!#Ce1
Manuel J. Ramos
Nov 26, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Meeting summary with AI Companion now supports additional languages in preview. Learn More Meeting summary for Manny Ramos's Personal Meeting Room (11/26/2024) Quick recap The group discussed their ongoing study of the Book of Revelation, focusing on the themes of victory, salvation, and the coming of the Lord, and emphasized the importance of fellowship, repentance, and spiritual readiness. They also shared personal experiences and reflections on their relationships with God, the importance of trust and obedience, and the need for self-improvement and repentance. The conversation ended with a sense of unity and a renewed commitment to their faith, with a focus on being good servants, sons, and friends to God. Next steps • All members to seek ways to be better servants and sons of God in their daily lives. • All members to look for opportunities to serve others and share God's message. • Lamar to continue seeking God and growing in his faith journey. • Patrick to focus on improving his "servant game" in his relationship with God. • All members to strive for a balance of being servants, sons, and friends of God. • All members to be alert and ready for opportunities to participate in God's work. • All members to continue studying Revelation and connecting it to personal revival. • Manny to follow up with Lamar regarding any needs or support required. • All members to pray for Lamar's continued spiritual growth and renewal. • All members to prepare for the next meeting on Revelation 20. Summary Virtual Meeting With Worship and Greetings Manny, Dennis, Harry, and others gather for a virtual meeting. They greet each other warmly and express gratitude for gifts received. Harry shares that Chicago had an early snowfall. They discuss the weather and look forward to the meeting. Manny is excited about what God has planned for the day. After some technical difficulties, Harry leads the group in worship through song. The atmosphere is joyful and filled with praise. Exploring Revelation and Fellowship Practices In the meeting, the group discussed their ongoing study of the Book of Revelation. They focused on Revelation 19, which describes the second coming of Christ and His victory over the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The group also discussed the concept of revival and how it can be connected to reading and understanding God's word. They emphasized the importance of fellowship and sharing their experiences with each other. The group also discussed the Spot Fund, which is used to help each other in times of need. They ended the conversation with a prayer and a reading of Revelation 19. Exploring Revelation 19 and 20 Themes In the meeting, Dennis and Manny discussed the Book of Revelation, specifically focusing on the chapters 19 and 20. They highlighted the themes of victory, salvation, and the coming of the Lord. Dennis read from the NIV version of Revelation 19, emphasizing the Hallelujahs and the victory of God over evil. Manny shared his excitement about the concept of revival and the importance of repentance. They also discussed the concept of the "beast" and the "false prophet" mentioned in Revelation, with Manny clarifying that the false prophet is the one causing the signs from heaven. The conversation ended with a discussion on the wedding supper of the Lamb, with Juan and Harry sharing their insights from Matthew 22:1-14 and Matthew 25:1-13. Parables of Preparation and Anticipation In this discussion, the group examines parables from the Bible about being prepared for the coming of Christ and the kingdom of heaven. Juan reads the parable of the wedding banquet, where the king invites guests but many reject the invitation, so he invites anyone to come. However, one guest is thrown out for not wearing proper wedding clothes. Harry then reads the parable of the ten bridesmaids, where five are wise and prepared with enough oil for their lamps when the bridegroom arrives, while the other five are foolish and run out of oil. The group discusses how these parables teach the importance of being spiritually ready and living a righteous life in anticipation of Christ's return. They emphasize having a true relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, not just outward religiosity. The discussion highlights that while all are invited to the heavenly banquet, only those who are genuinely prepared through faith and obedience will be allowed to participate. Emphasizing Spiritual Readiness and Legacy Juan expressed gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the feast of salvation and emphasized the importance of maintaining a close relationship with God. Dennis echoed these sentiments, stressing the importance of making a decision to give one's life to Jesus and receiving the gift of salvation. Manny encouraged the group to share their experiences and insights on being ready for Christ's return. Harrison initiated a discussion on this topic, with Elvin and Harry sharing their perspectives on spiritual readiness. Patrick also shared his thoughts, focusing on the importance of leaving a better legacy for the next generation. Trust, Readiness, and Faith in God Patrick discussed the importance of trust in God and the need to be prepared for the future. He shared his experiences of being ready for a wedding feast and the significance of righteous deeds. He also emphasized the importance of faith in doing things, as opposed to doing them on one's own initiative. Manny, LaMar, and Dennis shared their personal experiences and reflections on readiness, emphasizing the importance of trust, obedience, and faith in God. Harrison shared his journey of realizing his lack of readiness and how he became all in for Christ, which led to his readiness. The conversation ended with a sense of unity and encouragement among the participants. Personal Journeys and Spiritual Reflections Harrison shared his personal journey of recognizing the importance of Christ's control in his life and how it has led him back to God. Manny and Dennis expressed their appreciation for Harrison's testimony. Juan shared his thoughts on the importance of understanding the truth and wearing the armor of God to fight spiritual battles. Manny and Juan discussed the significance of dressing appropriately for meeting God, drawing parallels to the biblical story of the wedding feast. Elvin shared his experience of reconnecting with a childhood friend and the impact it had on him, emphasizing the importance of being present for others. Patrick discussed his personal journey of repentance and the importance of focusing on the relationship with God rather than dwelling on past sins. The group ended the conversation with a sense of unity and a renewed commitment to their faith. Knowing God as a Servant In the meeting, Patrick and Manny discussed the importance of knowing God as a servant, rather than just as a son or friend. They used the analogy of a border collie, which is highly disciplined and focused, to illustrate the kind of relationship they want with God. Manny emphasized the need to pursue God's heart and be involved in His business, while Patrick shared his experience of seeing his wife's dedication to her father and how it inspired him to want a similar relationship with his Heavenly Father. They concluded that being a servant is a crucial aspect of knowing God and having a closer relationship with Him. Personal Struggles and Spiritual Growth In the meeting, Patrick and Elvin discussed their personal struggles and the need for repentance and self-improvement. They expressed a desire to be better servants and closer to God, with Elvin acknowledging his anger and resistance to change. Patrick shared his experience of hearing God's voice and the importance of seeking what pleases God. Manny emphasized the importance of being a good son, servant, and friend to God, and shared his own experiences of learning from his father and father-in-law. The group also discussed the role of the Holy Spirit in prayer and intercession, with Manny reflecting on the idea of groanings that cannot be expressed in words. Improving Servant-Son Relationship With Love Patrick and Manny discussed their relationship with a family business, with Patrick expressing a desire to improve his role as a servant and maintain his friendship and sonship with the business owner. Manny shared a personal anecdote about his adopted son, illustrating how a servant can become a son through love and care. They both agreed that this transformation is possible with God, who adopts them as his sons despite their past as sinners. The conversation ended with Manny expressing his love for his son and the importance of their family name. Embracing God as Our True Father LaMar expressed his belief that everyone is born as a son or daughter of God, with the intent to lead others back to their Father. He emphasized the importance of recognizing God as one's Father and understanding one's true place in Him. Manny agreed with LaMar's concept, but also acknowledged the confusion in the world about being born again as a son of God in Christ. Patrick shared his perspective on love and service, emphasizing the need to be prepared and ready to serve God and others. He expressed his gratitude for the divine nature and the manifestation of God's kingdom in his life and the lives of those around him. Serving Others and Seeking God In the meeting, Manny expressed his gratitude for the team's presence and shared his thoughts on the importance of being a servant and seeking the one. He emphasized the need for the team to serve others and be a friend to them, leading them to see their need for a Father Savior. The team also discussed their personal experiences and shared their appreciation for each other's fellowship. Patrick shared a personal experience and a biblical reference, emphasizing the need for life and the power of God to bring things to life. The conversation ended with a song and a prayer for the team's continued growth and connection with God.
Manuel J. Ramos
Nov 19, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Today's session was recorded: Passcode: #E8@K6d= Good morning brother, Topic: Revelation C. 13,14 Summary: Revelation 13 introduces the last two major figures described in this extended section. Two ''beasts,'' which are actually evil, powerful men, corrupt Israel by forcing idolatry on everyone. While not explicitly given these names in the Bible, the two men mentioned here are most often referred to as the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Later, The Lord sends the northern aggressor into Israel to punish their idolatry. This text also mentions two other infamous concepts: the mark of the beast, and the number 666, which are mentioned in later verses as identifying those who have rejected God in favor of Satan. Related Scriptures are Exodus 20:1–6; Daniel 2:31–43; 7:1–8; and Revelation chapters 9 and 12. 05:19:39 From Harry to Patrick(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Revelation C. 13,14 Summary: Revelation 13 introduces the last two major figures described in this extended section. Two ''beasts,'' which are actually evil, powerful men, corrupt Israel by forcing idolatry on everyone. While not explicitly given these names in the Bible, the two men mentioned here are most often referred to as the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Later, The Lord sends the northern aggressor into Israel to punish their idolatry. This text also mentions two other infamous concepts: the mark of the beast, and the number 666, which are mentioned in later verses as identifying those who have rejected God in favor of Satan. Related Scriptures are Exodus 20:1–6; Daniel 2:31–43; 7:1–8; and Revelation chapters 9 and 12. 05:20:49 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund:
Manuel J. Ramos
Nov 18, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Praise and Worship Monday Share Link Passcode: 0c8Ud?0w Thank you,
Manuel J. Ramos
Nov 11, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Todays session was recorded: Passcode: G9hZ^19p JOIN ME! Monday mornings from 5-6am Topic: Praise and Worship Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 822 2494 4378 Passcode: 110076
Manuel J. Ramos
Nov 05, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Good morning brother, Topic: Revelation C. 1,2 Summary: The book of Revelation begins with John's declaration that God had given him the revelation of Jesus Christ, and he extends a greeting like the apostle Paul's greeting in his letters. John greets his readers with grace and peace from Jesus Christ, whom he identifies as trustworthy, eternal, and sovereign. He ascribes glory and power forever to Jesus because of His love and redemption. John views believers as appointed by the Lord to be a kingdom of priests to serve God and the Father (Revelation 1:1–8). Revelation reveals how prophetic passages in the Old Testament that foretell yet future events will be fulfilled. It also shows how the events predicted in Matthew 24, Matthew 25, and 2 Thessalonians will come to pass. 05:07:30 From David Morales to Everyone: Good morning gentlemen 05:08:44 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: good morning eternal brothers, may this day bring revival to us, change us into a better reflection of Jesus, te light of the world. 05:09:41 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning gentlem…" with ❤️ 05:09:52 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "good morning eternal…" with ❤️ 05:09:57 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning brother…" with ❤️ 05:10:18 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "good morning eternal…" with ❤️ 05:10:19 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning gentlem…" with ❤️ 05:11:38 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Good Morning Mighty Battle Prayer 🙏🏿 Warriors!!! ❤️…#MightyMenOfGod 📖 05:11:56 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Good Morning Mighty …" with ❤️ 05:12:55 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good Morning Mighty …" with ❤️ 05:12:59 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good Morning Mighty …" with 🙏🏾 05:13:38 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning brother…" with 🙏🏾 05:13:41 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Removed a ❤️ reaction from "Good morning brother…" 05:13:45 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning brother…" with ❤️ 05:13:49 From Harry to LaMar Dent(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Revelation C. 1,2 Summary: The book of Revelation begins with John's declaration that God had given him the revelation of Jesus Christ, and he extends a greeting like the apostle Paul's greeting in his letters. John greets his readers with grace and peace from Jesus Christ, whom he identifies as trustworthy, eternal, and sovereign. He ascribes glory and power forever to Jesus because of His love and redemption. John views believers as appointed by the Lord to be a kingdom of priests to serve God and the Father (Revelation 1:1–8). Revelation reveals how prophetic passages in the Old Testament that foretell yet future events will be fulfilled. It also shows how the events predicted in Matthew 24, Matthew 25, and 2 Thessalonians will come to pass. 05:14:02 From Harry to Brian(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Revelation C. 1,2 Summary: The book of Revelation begins with John's declaration that God had given him the revelation of Jesus Christ, and he extends a greeting like the apostle Paul's greeting in his letters. John greets his readers with grace and peace from Jesus Christ, whom he identifies as trustworthy, eternal, and sovereign. He ascribes glory and power forever to Jesus because of His love and redemption. John views believers as appointed by the Lord to be a kingdom of priests to serve God and the Father (Revelation 1:1–8). Revelation reveals how prophetic passages in the Old Testament that foretell yet future events will be fulfilled. It also shows how the events predicted in Matthew 24, Matthew 25, and 2 Thessalonians will come to pass. 05:18:25 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Click here to support Zoom Battle Prayer's story *ZoomBattlePrayerGiving *spotfund is the easiest place to create beautiful and free online fundraisers. It takes just minutes to start raising money today. Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund: 05:18:53 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Good morning Powerful Men of God 05:19:00 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning Powerfu…" with ❤️ 05:19:05 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning Powerfu…" with ❤️ 05:19:09 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning Powerfu…" with 🙏🏾 05:20:08 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: @LaMar Dent, Good Morning Brother!!! 🙌🏿🙏🏿📖👑 05:20:21 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "@LaMar Dent, Good Mo…" with ❤️ 05:20:24 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning Powerfu…" with 🙏🏾 05:20:27 From Harry to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning Powerfu..." with ❤️ 05:20:32 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "@LaMar Dent, Good Mo…" with ❤️ 05:20:35 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning brother…" with 🙏🏾 05:20:35 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "@LaMar Dent, Good Mo…" with 🙏🏾 05:20:35 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning brother…" with ❤️ 05:26:28 From Harry to David Fry(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Revelation C. 1,2 Summary: The book of Revelation begins with John's declaration that God had given him the revelation of Jesus Christ, and he extends a greeting like the apostle Paul's greeting in his letters. John greets his readers with grace and peace from Jesus Christ, whom he identifies as trustworthy, eternal, and sovereign. He ascribes glory and power forever to Jesus because of His love and redemption. John views believers as appointed by the Lord to be a kingdom of priests to serve God and the Father (Revelation 1:1–8). Revelation reveals how prophetic passages in the Old Testament that foretell yet future events will be fulfilled. It also shows how the events predicted in Matthew 24, Matthew 25, and 2 Thessalonians will come to pass. 05:27:21 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "@LaMar Dent, Good Mo…" with ❤️ 05:28:34 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "@LaMar Dent, Good Mo…" with ❤️ 05:28:34 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "@LaMar Dent, Good Mo…" with 🙏🏾 05:28:48 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Morning brothers Jesus loves you so much! 05:28:57 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Morning brothers Jes…" with ❤️ 05:29:00 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Morning brothers Jes…" with ❤️ 05:29:12 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: May our worship be pure so that Jesus can reveal himself to us. 05:29:38 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Amen 05:29:44 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Morning brothers Jes…" with ❤️ 05:29:50 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Morning brothers Jes…" with 🙏🏾 05:30:05 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "May our worship be p…" with ❤️ 05:30:15 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "May our worship be p…" with 🙌🏽 05:30:21 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Amen" with ❤️ 05:30:26 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Amen" with 🙏🏾 05:31:07 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "May our worship be p…" with ❤️ 05:34:05 From Harry to Harrison Stubblefield(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Revelation C. 1,2 Summary: The book of Revelation begins with John's declaration that God had given him the revelation of Jesus Christ, and he extends a greeting like the apostle Paul's greeting in his letters. John greets his readers with grace and peace from Jesus Christ, whom he identifies as trustworthy, eternal, and sovereign. He ascribes glory and power forever to Jesus because of His love and redemption. John views believers as appointed by the Lord to be a kingdom of priests to serve God and the Father (Revelation 1:1–8). Revelation reveals how prophetic passages in the Old Testament that foretell yet future events will be fulfilled. It also shows how the events predicted in Matthew 24, Matthew 25, and 2 Thessalonians will come to pass. 05:34:16 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Amen" with ❤️ 05:34:17 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Amen" with 🙏🏾 05:34:25 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: lamar dent may God grant your petition before Him, the true desire of your heart 05:34:39 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "lamar dent may God g…" with ❤️ 05:34:42 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "lamar dent may God g…" with 🙏🏾 05:34:43 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: First one raise from the dead!!!!! 05:34:46 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "lamar dent may God g…" with ❤️ 05:36:05 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Amen. Thank you Jesus. Thank you man of God @victor perez vip3 05:36:11 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Amen. Thank you Jesu…" with ❤️ 05:36:19 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Amen. Thank you Jesu…" with 🙏🏾 05:36:23 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Amen. Thank you Jesu…" with ❤️ 05:36:31 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Amen. Thank you Jesu…" with 👑 05:36:42 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Companion in suffering!!! 05:37:13 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: manny i pray protection over you my brother, being a regular joe, i feel the battle is real, i can't imagine how satan is salivating thinking of making you fall, but our God gives victory to to us many ways, His words are a lamp to our feet 05:37:19 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Companion in sufferi…" with ❤️ 05:37:23 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Companion in sufferi…" with ❤️ 05:37:31 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Companion in sufferi…" with 🙏🏾 05:37:48 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "manny i pray protect…" with ❤️ 05:37:50 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Removed a ❤️ reaction from "manny i pray protect…" 05:37:50 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "manny i pray protect…" with ❤️ 05:37:53 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "manny i pray protect…" with ❤️ 05:38:05 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "manny i pray protect…" with 🙏 05:38:05 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "manny i pray protect…" with ❤️ 05:38:10 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "manny i pray protect…" with 🙏🏾 05:38:16 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Removed a ❤️ reaction from "manny i pray protect…" 05:38:16 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "manny i pray protect…" with 🙏🏾 05:38:19 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "manny i pray protect…" with ❤️ 05:39:42 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Stefano may God bless you in all things, may these momentary troubles not reach your walk my brother 05:40:40 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Stefano may God bles…" with 🙏 05:41:49 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: dynamite dennis, may God continue to use you in many ways my brother, i making money and showing us how to work smarter, not harder, so we can devote more time to the bible and prayer 05:42:21 From Patrick to Everyone: Suffering and blessing themes are not separate this morning. "You have suffered" Too thick to run here. 05:42:42 From Harry to jack(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Revelation C. 1,2 Summary: The book of Revelation begins with John's declaration that God had given him the revelation of Jesus Christ, and he extends a greeting like the apostle Paul's greeting in his letters. John greets his readers with grace and peace from Jesus Christ, whom he identifies as trustworthy, eternal, and sovereign. He ascribes glory and power forever to Jesus because of His love and redemption. John views believers as appointed by the Lord to be a kingdom of priests to serve God and the Father (Revelation 1:1–8). Revelation reveals how prophetic passages in the Old Testament that foretell yet future events will be fulfilled. It also shows how the events predicted in Matthew 24, Matthew 25, and 2 Thessalonians will come to pass. 05:42:54 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Juan my brother, God put a hedge of protection on you and your loved ones 05:43:01 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Juan my brother, God…" with ❤️ 05:44:35 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Seven blessings of revelations Rev. 1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:6, 22:14 05:44:36 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Juan my brother, God…" with ❤️ 05:45:11 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: David morales your petition before God has come to God's ear, He knows what's best for us, and when the blessing comes, come here and testify , so we can all be blessed and increase hope 05:45:55 From David Fry to Everyone: I am working the polls today. 05:46:47 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: David fry, our God is a great God who pours out of His Spirit in these final days, receive the full amount of that blessing my eternal brother 05:47:49 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "David fry, our God i…" with ❤️ 05:48:12 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "I am working the pol…" with ❤️ 05:48:41 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Vasco Duke, we have come here , in the middle of many troubles, but we have overcome. your overcomers crown will look go on you and we throw down our crowns on the feet of Jesus 05:49:39 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Stefano may God bles…" with ❤️ 05:49:43 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "dynamite dennis, may…" with ❤️ 05:49:53 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Suffering and blessi…" with ❤️ 05:49:57 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Juan my brother, God…" with ❤️ 05:49:57 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Vasco Duke, we have …" with 😭 05:50:03 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Seven blessings of r…" with ❤️ 05:51:01 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: i have a procedure on Wednesday very early a radio frequency ablation, i will be knocked out, and the doctor will be doing something near my spinal column, may God use the doctors hand so i can be less dependant on pain pills ans be able to evangelism more 05:51:17 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "David morales your p…" with ❤️ 05:51:27 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "David fry, our God i…" with ❤️ 05:51:45 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Vasco Duke, we have …" with ❤️ 05:52:11 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Harry those songs you select for us to hear are a great blessing to our ears, God use his mouth to glorify you ways 05:52:11 From Patrick to Everyone: My circuits are gonna pop. Totoday. Goodness ...Too hot today. 05:52:32 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "My circuits are gonn…" with ❤️ 05:52:40 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "My circuits are gonn…" with 🔥 05:52:50 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "i have a procedure o…" with 🙏 05:52:50 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "My circuits are gonn…" with 👑 05:53:05 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Harry those songs yo…" with ❤️ 05:53:10 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Harry those songs yo…" with 🙌🏽 05:53:24 From Vasco Duke to Everyone: Please pray for my son Harrison and his skin Eczema. 05:53:41 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "i have a procedure o…" with ❤️ 05:53:44 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "i have a procedure o…" with 🙏🏾 05:54:02 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Vasco Duke, we have …" with 🙏🏾 05:54:38 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Please pray for my s…" with ❤️ 05:54:39 From Harry to Everyone: Reacted to "Harry those songs yo..." with ❤️ 05:54:42 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Please pray for my s…" with 🙏🏾 05:55:05 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Elvin Ramos , Lord Jesus let us all be like his picture, on our hands and knees humble before you. not complaining but letting our requests be known as we pray together for these things 05:56:20 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Elvin Ramos , Lord J…" with ❤️ 05:56:26 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Please pray for my s…" with 🙏🏾 05:56:29 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Please pray for my s…" with ❤️ 05:56:31 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Please pray for my s…" with 🙏🏾 05:56:41 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Brian, let the light of Jesus always be found in you my brother 05:56:44 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Elvin Ramos , Lord J…" with ❤️ 05:57:02 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Brian, let the light…" with ❤️ 05:57:03 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Brian, let the light…" with ❤️ 05:57:44 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Harrison I pray , that God intended you to beyou be used and that you can be the leader of your family 05:58:58 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Removed a ❤️ reaction from "Brian, let the light…" 05:58:59 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Brian, let the light…" with ❤️ 05:59:01 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Jack, from your mouth to God's ears, God knows your deepest requests, He sees our tears and fears, but He will hold you up 05:59:03 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Harrison I pray , th…" with ❤️ 05:59:11 From LaMar Dent to Everyone: Reacted to "Jack, from your mout…" with ❤️ 05:59:29 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Jack, from your mout…" with ❤️ 05:59:32 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Harrison I pray , th…" with ❤️ Meeting summary for Manny Ramos's Personal Meeting Room (11/05/2024) Quick recap The group discussed the Book of Revelation, focusing on its importance, the significance of pure worship, and the need for unity and fellowship. They also shared personal reflections, prayers, and experiences, emphasizing the importance of faith, perseverance, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The conversation ended with a discussion on the importance of worship, unity, and prayer, and a blessing for the brothers present. Next steps • All members to read Revelation chapters 3 and 4 before the next meeting. • Elvin to share more information about the news story of the young man stabbed in Tampa. • Manny to review and share Elvin's information about the Tampa stabbing victim with the group. • All members to pray for Lamar Dent, the new participant. • All members to pray for the U.S. elections and a smooth transition of power. • All members to focus on making their worship pure as they study Revelation. • Johnny to continue hosting Worship Mondays. • All members to consider contributing to the spot fund to help brothers in need. • Manny to forward Patrick's prayer text to Lamar Dent. • All members to encourage and welcome new participants to the group. • All members to pray for protection for those working at polling stations. • All members to reflect on how to apply the teachings from Revelation in their daily lives. Summary Exploring Revelation and Group Unity In the meeting, the group began a new series on the Book of Revelation, coinciding with the day of voting in America. They emphasized the importance of pure worship and the desire for Jesus to reveal Himself to them. They also discussed the need for unity and fellowship among the group, encouraging participation through the chat function or raising hands. They also mentioned a spot fund for financial assistance and encouraged donations. The group then started reading from Revelation, Chapter One, focusing on the revelation of Jesus. Exploring Book of Revelation Chapter One Manny led a discussion about the Book of Revelation, specifically focusing on chapter one. Juan and Dennis provided a reading of the chapter, with Juan emphasizing the importance of the revelation and the grace and peace from Jesus Christ. Dennis then continued the reading, describing a vision of a son of man with a golden sash and a sharp double-edged sword coming out of his mouth. The discussion ended with Dennis explaining the meaning of the seven stars and golden lampstands, which he interpreted as representing the angels of the seven churches. Revelation, Suffering, and Understanding Jesus In the meeting, the group discussed the Book of Revelation, focusing on the importance of a revelation of Jesus Christ. Victor shared his reflections on the suffering of John, the author of the book, and how it relates to their own lives. Manny emphasized the significance of catching the revelation of Jesus in the book, and the group discussed the concept of suffering as a purifying experience. Vasco shared his thoughts on the sword metaphor and the significance of being raised from the dead. Juan highlighted the importance of understanding and speaking the word of God, and the contrast between overhearing and understanding. The group also discussed the concept of being a companion in suffering. Exploring Book of Revelation Blessings Manny led a discussion about the Book of Revelation, emphasizing its importance and the blessings it offers to those who read and understand it. He highlighted seven blessings mentioned in the book, including protection, rest from labors, and the right to eat from the tree of life. Juan then read from Revelation 2, discussing the challenges faced by the churches mentioned in the chapter. Dennis concluded the discussion by reading from Revelation 2, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and faithfulness in the face of adversity. The conversation ended with a sense of unity and encouragement among the participants. Faith, Prayer, and Reflection on Revelation In the meeting, the group discussed their faith and prayed together. They reflected on the passage from Revelation 1, focusing on the image of Jesus as the Morning Star and the importance of repentance. They also prayed for each other, including specific individuals facing challenges such as cancer and skin eczema. The group expressed gratitude for their faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They also discussed the importance of worship and the need for purity in their worship. The conversation ended with a prayer for the group and a reminder to continue praying for each other. Exploring Revelation's Approaches and Significance Manny led a discussion on the Book of Revelation, emphasizing the four basic approaches people have used to understand it: preterist, historical, poetic, and futuristic. He encouraged the group to see themselves in the book and let Christ reveal Himself. Dennis shared his thoughts on the significance of the number seven in the book, while Victor reflected on the apostle John's experience and the potential for the prophecies to be relevant to both John's time and the present. Manny ended the conversation by highlighting the powerful imagery of Jesus washing us from our sins in his own blood and making us kings and priests. Exploring Revelation and Offering Support The meeting revolved around a discussion of the book of Revelation, with Patrick and Victor sharing their insights. Patrick emphasized the importance of embracing one's role, regardless of the presence of suffering or glory. He also highlighted the significance of John's encounter with Jesus, underscoring the importance of looking at Jesus and not just reading about him. Elvin shared about a young man's tragic death in Tampa and proposed a nomination to help the man's mother with funeral costs. The conversation ended with Victor suggesting a worship session through song. Faith, Worship, and End Times Discussion In the meeting, Victor and Manny engaged in a worship session, expressing their faith and gratitude to God. They discussed the end times and the coming of the New Jerusalem, emphasizing the importance of having faith in God's protection and guidance. Harrison joined the conversation, sharing his thoughts on the current state of the world and the assurance of God's love and protection. He emphasized the importance of having faith in Jesus Christ and not being afraid of the challenges and uncertainties of life. The group also discussed the counter-cultural nature of their beliefs and the confidence they have in God's love and plan for them. Visiting Scott, Teen's Death, and Prayer Harrison expressed his desire to visit Scott, who had been released from the hospital a few weeks ago. Manny confirmed Scott's homecoming and offered to help Harrison reach out to him. The team also discussed a story shared by Elvin about a teenager's death, with Manny promising to gather more information. Patrick emphasized the importance of pure worship and not bringing complaints into the throne room. He shared his intention to focus on thanksgiving and prayer, and to embrace the mixed bag of life as John's life lesson. The team also discussed the need for prayer and the outpouring of the Spirit. Worship, Unity, and Election Prayers In the meeting, Manny and Victor led a discussion on the importance of worship and unity. Victor prayed for a smooth transition of power and unity in the upcoming elections, while Brian shared his perspective on the Book of Revelation, seeing Jesus as a protector rather than a judge. Manny echoed Brian's sentiments, emphasizing the importance of love and unity. Victor then led a prayer for wisdom, healing, and guidance in the upcoming elections and for the members of the group. The conversation ended with Manny expressing gratitude for the prayers and the presence of the group. Prayer for Lamar and Brothers In the meeting, Manny shared his experience with a man named Lamar who was excited to join their group. Patrick and Victor prayed for Lamar, using the metaphor of a scuba diver to represent his struggles. Manny then led a prayer for all the brothers present, expressing gratitude for their gifts and the joy they bring to the Lord. The conversation ended with a blessing for the brothers and a call to change the world. AI-generated content may be inaccurate or misleading. Always check for accuracy.
Manuel J. Ramos
Oct 29, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
God richly bless all the saints here, we start this journey together, a million years from today...and have only just begun! Aaaaleluyaaaa 05:08:09 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "God richly bless all…" with ❤️ 05:08:23 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "God richly bless all…" with 📖 05:08:27 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "God richly bless all…" with 🙏🏾 05:12:45 From Harry to Everyone: Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 10-11-12 Summary: Daniel sees another vision, this one involving some major conflict. Most interpreters believe this is what shakes Daniel enough to go into mourning. What he saw will be explained in greater detail in chapters 11 and 1. That vision is explained or elaborated on in chapters 11 and 12. Strictly speaking, the specific timing and reason of Daniel's fast it not provided; it could be the vision that caused his mourning or it could be that Daniel was already in mourning when he saw the vision. Whatever the case, he was certainly deeply troubled (Daniel 10:1–3). 05:22:39 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Click here to support Zoom Battle Prayer's story *ZoomBattlePrayerGiving *spotfund is the easiest place to create beautiful and free online fundraisers. It takes just minutes to start raising money today. Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund: 05:44:13 From Harry to jack(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 10-11-12 Summary: Daniel sees another vision, this one involving some major conflict. Most interpreters believe this is what shakes Daniel enough to go into mourning. What he saw will be explained in greater detail in chapters 11 and 1. That vision is explained or elaborated on in chapters 11 and 12. Strictly speaking, the specific timing and reason of Daniel's fast it not provided; it could be the vision that caused his mourning or it could be that Daniel was already in mourning when he saw the vision. Whatever the case, he was certainly deeply troubled (Daniel 10:1–3). 05:51:15 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: pray for our nation, pray for a smooth transition of power that began with the fathers of our great nation, pray for our spiritual leaders, the enemy would like nothing more than to sift our leaders like wheat! but we pray send protection of our leaders in church, unity in our nation. Meeting summary for Manny Ramos's Personal Meeting Room (10/29/2024) Quick recap The meeting began with personal health updates and a Bible reading and prayer session led by Harry. The group then delved into a study of the Book of Daniel, focusing on the importance of prayer, fasting, and self-denial, and shared personal experiences and struggles. The discussion also touched on the current political climate, the importance of prayer and unity, and the need for Christians to stand firm in righteousness amidst challenging times. Next steps • Victor to order a new phone and install Covenant Eyes on it. • Leadership team to plan a face-to-face gathering for the men's group. • Elvin to send links for Hangry Joe's Nashville Chicken and Code Natures to the group chat. • Dennis to contact Elvin about potential coding opportunities for his son. • Harry to coordinate with Manny about practicing songs for potential performances. • Manny to follow up with Jack one-on-one to offer encouragement and support. • Leadership team to consider Victor's suggestion of recording and posting the full Zoom sessions on YouTube. • Victor to develop his biscuit-making skills as a potential ministry tool. • Group members to pray about and consider using Covenant Eyes or similar accountability software. • Manny to work on improving the YouTube algorithm for better visibility of their content. • Group to explore opportunities for ministering through music at small churches or businesses. • Victor to attend his doctor's appointment. • Group to continue studying the Book of Daniel in the next session. • Patrick to coordinate with Manny about potentially hosting a gathering at his house. • Group members to pray for the nation and upcoming elections. Summary Health Issues and Bible Reading The meeting began with Manny and iPhone discussing their health issues. Manny then welcomed Harry and Dennis to the meeting. There was a discussion about a shirt that Dennis received from Manny, which he found to be of poor quality. Manny assured him that they would take his feedback into consideration for future purchases. The meeting then shifted to a Bible reading and prayer session led by Harry. The session was filled with music and hymns, and Harry also led a prayer for the group. The conversation ended with a discussion about a song that was played during the session. Victory of Jesus and Daniel Study In the meeting, the group began with a prayer led by Harry, followed by a reading from Colossians 2. Manny then led the discussion, emphasizing the victory of Jesus over the enemy and the fear of death. The group then moved on to their study of Daniel, with Manny asking the leaders to split the reading of chapters 10 and 11 to save time. The conversation ended with a reminder of the upcoming Monday praise and encouragement sessions. Reading and Discussing Daniel's Vision In the meeting, Manny led the group in reading and discussing chapters 10, 11, and 12 of the book of Daniel. The group focused on the vision Daniel had, which involved a major conflict and was elaborated on in chapters 11 and 12. They also discussed the interpretation of the vision and its potential impact on Daniel. The group then proceeded to read and discuss specific verses from these chapters, with each member taking turns to read. The discussion was open-ended, allowing for questions and commentary from the group. Exploring Prayer, Fasting, and Self-Denial In the meeting, Manny led the group in a discussion about the Book of Daniel, focusing on the importance of prayer, fasting, and self-denial. The group shared their personal experiences with fasting and prayer, with Elvin and Harry expressing their commitment to continue fasting and praying. The discussion also touched on the power of prayer and the importance of seeking God's guidance and wisdom. The group ended the conversation with a prayer session, led by Juan and Dennis, and a call to continue seeking God's guidance and wisdom. Victor's Evangelizing Journey and Support Victor expressed his gratitude for God's guidance and support in his life, acknowledging the challenges he faces due to his physical disability. He shared his experiences of evangelizing and seeking God's favor, emphasizing the importance of prayer and self-denial. Victor also discussed his plans to continue spreading the word of God, despite the resistance he faces from his own mind and flesh. Manny and Dennis offered their support and prayers for Victor, encouraging him to continue his evangelizing efforts. The conversation ended with a prayer for Jack, who shared his personal struggles and sought support from the group. Support and Prayer for Difficult Times Jack shared his struggles with the recent loss of a friend due to drug addiction and his girlfriend's health issues, which included a high risk of miscarriage. He expressed his need for prayer and support during this difficult time. The team then came together for a prayer session, led by Manny, to offer comfort, strength, and guidance to Jack. David Fry and Dennis also shared their prayers for Jack and Victor, respectively, focusing on overcoming pride and seeking healing. The team expressed their love and support for each other, emphasizing the importance of prayer and brotherly love in times of need. Emphasizing Humility and Fellowship in Faith In the meeting, the participants shared their thoughts and prayers, expressing gratitude and humility. They emphasized the importance of remaining humble and relying on God for strength and guidance. They also discussed the need for fellowship and support, with plans to gather together for prayer and other activities. The conversation also touched on the importance of prayer, faith, and waiting for the Holy Spirit's guidance. The participants ended the conversation with a sense of unity and a shared commitment to their faith. God's Presence in Everyday Life The group discusses meeting at Golden Corral and praying together. Elvin shares about a young brother he disciples who recently opened a successful fried chicken restaurant called Hangry Joe's Nashville Chicken in Wesley Chapel. The group reflects on seeing God's presence in everyday places and interactions. They discuss the importance of letting God's goodness shine through them to reach others. Victor then leads the group in singing a song about following God's spirit. Afterwards, they discuss how God can help people facing various life challenges, emphasizing that while everyone faces similar problems, believers have God to rely on. Accepting Jesus and Covenant Eyes Victor shared a personal experience of a man coming to his door and leading him to accept Jesus. Dennis connected this to a Bible verse about Jesus knocking on the door and the power of the Holy Spirit. Manny then sang a song about being different and being changed by the fire of God. Victor suggested having a ceremony where everyone installs covenant eyes on their devices to protect their eyes and be accountable. Manny agreed to discuss this with the leaders. Elvin shared his friend's testimony of overcoming addiction and starting a business, and encouraged the group to pray for him. Manny expressed his belief that God is bringing the group together for a powerful experience. The conversation ended with Dennis and Elvin planning to share information about a potential coding opportunity. Prayer, Unity, and Spreading Faith The team discussed the importance of prayer and unity, particularly in the context of the upcoming US election. They expressed a desire to support businesses and communities through prayer and song, with a focus on spreading the message of God's love. The idea of forming a singing group to perform at small churches and businesses was proposed, with the aim of sharing their faith and potentially leading people to accept Jesus. The team also discussed the need to practice and prepare for these performances. Navigating Divisive Politics and Persecution Victor, Dennis, and Manny discuss the divisive rhetoric and lack of civility in the current political climate. They lament the insults and name-calling between candidates and express hope that people can find peace amidst the chaos. Manny shares his concern that as moral standards decline, it will become increasingly difficult to argue for biblical values. He warns that Christians may face persecution for their beliefs as sin multiplies. The group encourages one another to stand firm in righteousness, seek God's face, and rely on His power during these challenging times.
Manuel J. Ramos
Oct 23, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Todays session was recorded: Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 8 Summary: Daniel has another prophetic experience (Daniel 7:1), which ties into prior dreams and visions. Aspects of this prophecy were seen in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:39) as well as Daniel's earlier vision (Daniel 7:1–6). Some of these predictions will occur within a few centuries of Daniel's life. Others are yet to be fully realized (Daniel 8:1). The vision begins at the banks of the Ulai canal, in the eastern province of Elam in the Babylonian empire. There, Daniel sees a male sheep—a ram—boldly running around without anyone to oppose it. This ram has two horns, with the later-appearing horn growing higher than the older one. The meaning of this symbol will be explained later (Daniel 8:2–4). 05:22:58 From Harry to Harrison Stubblefield(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 8 Summary: Daniel has another prophetic experience (Daniel 7:1), which ties into prior dreams and visions. Aspects of this prophecy were seen in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:39) as well as Daniel's earlier vision (Daniel 7:1–6). Some of these predictions will occur within a few centuries of Daniel's life. Others are yet to be fully realized (Daniel 8:1). The vision begins at the banks of the Ulai canal, in the eastern province of Elam in the Babylonian empire. There, Daniel sees a male sheep—a ram—boldly running around without anyone to oppose it. This ram has two horns, with the later-appearing horn growing higher than the older one. The meaning of this symbol will be explained later (Daniel 8:2–4). 05:24:56 From Scott Moffat to Everyone: The Lord has had me basically incoherent most of the last 24 hours. He woke me up at 4 to be with you brothers and honor our King together. Love you, guys. 05:25:40 From Harry to Everyone: Reacted to "The Lord has had me ..." with 🙏 05:34:54 From Harry to Vasco Duke(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 8 Summary: Daniel has another prophetic experience (Daniel 7:1), which ties into prior dreams and visions. Aspects of this prophecy were seen in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:39) as well as Daniel's earlier vision (Daniel 7:1–6). Some of these predictions will occur within a few centuries of Daniel's life. Others are yet to be fully realized (Daniel 8:1). The vision begins at the banks of the Ulai canal, in the eastern province of Elam in the Babylonian empire. There, Daniel sees a male sheep—a ram—boldly running around without anyone to oppose it. This ram has two horns, with the later-appearing horn growing higher than the older one. The meaning of this symbol will be explained later (Daniel 8:2–4). 05:35:59 From David Morales to Everyone: Good morning gentlemen, just wanted to reach out to Patrick to be strong and courageous, God is going to heal your body. Also wanted to remind everyone that you can get out and vote early, there are places that are open now so you don't have to wait for the last minute or wait in a long line. 05:36:12 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Good morning gentlem…" with ❤️ 05:43:32 From Harry to Patrick(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 8 Summary: Daniel has another prophetic experience (Daniel 7:1), which ties into prior dreams and visions. Aspects of this prophecy were seen in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:39) as well as Daniel's earlier vision (Daniel 7:1–6). Some of these predictions will occur within a few centuries of Daniel's life. Others are yet to be fully realized (Daniel 8:1). The vision begins at the banks of the Ulai canal, in the eastern province of Elam in the Babylonian empire. There, Daniel sees a male sheep—a ram—boldly running around without anyone to oppose it. This ram has two horns, with the later-appearing horn growing higher than the older one. The meaning of this symbol will be explained later (Daniel 8:2–4). 05:52:05 From Scott Moffat to Everyone: 05:55:26 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: my arm pain, my leg pain, to use less pain meds, visiting a doctor who accused me of being a drug addict, Jesus give me your love and kindness towards him. still haven't heard about acupuncture appointment after over 5 months, the veterans administration is giving me the run around.i asked the doctor to cut off my arm and leg, but they are dragging their feet Meeting summary with AI Companion now supports additional languages in preview. Learn More Meeting summary for Manny Ramos's Personal Meeting Room (10/23/2024) Quick recap The group discussed their ongoing series on the Book of Daniel, focusing on chapter 8, and emphasized the importance of establishing daily patterns and rhythms to sustain commitment to God. They also discussed the need for a more comprehensive and detailed approach to their project, with a focus on understanding the customer's needs and pain points. The conversation ended with a prayer session led by Manny, and discussions on the biblical stories of Noah, Daniel, and Job, emphasizing their righteousness and the challenges of being a prophet. Next steps • All members to read Daniel 9 before the next meeting. • All members to read Revelation 14-15 before the next meeting. • Victor to practice patience and kindness during his doctor's appointment. • Manny to text out the time for the encouragement meeting (12:15-12:30). • Manny to update the website with the encouragement meeting information. • All members to pray for Cindy (David Morales's wife) for relief from depression and anxiety. • All members to pray for Victor's health and his interaction with the doctor. • Scott to provide an update on his health condition in the next meeting. • All members to consider sharing any significant dreams they have in future meetings. • All members to reflect on the importance of humility in their interactions with others. • All members to pray for each other's families and well-being. Summary Daily Patterns and Rhythms in Daniel In the meeting, the group discussed their ongoing series on the Book of Daniel, focusing on chapter 8. They emphasized the importance of establishing daily patterns and rhythms to sustain commitment to God, using Daniel as an example. Harry shared his personal reflection on Daniel's success, attributing it to his daily prayer and study of Scriptures. The group also discussed the significance of Jesus' references to Daniel in the Bible, indicating that Jesus considered Daniel's writings authoritative. The conversation ended with a prayer led by Harry, expressing a desire to seek God daily like Daniel. Improving Project Structure and Communication The team discussed the need for a more comprehensive and detailed approach to their project, with a focus on the importance of understanding the customer's needs and pain points. They agreed on the necessity of a more structured and organized process, with clear roles and responsibilities assigned to each team member. The team also emphasized the importance of effective communication and collaboration to ensure the project's success. They ended the conversation with a commitment to work on these aspects and reconvene to review progress. Daniel's Commitment and Prophecy Insights The group discussed Daniel chapter 8, focusing on Daniel's commitment to daily prayer and study of Scripture as the key to his success. They also explored Jesus' references to Daniel, affirming the authority of Daniel's writings. Dennis, Scott, and Victor shared insights on seeking understanding of prophecies and visions, emphasizing righteousness and trust in God's word. The group saw a recent news story about a Bible found open to Revelation as a sign, and discussed the prophecies about Jesus' coming and the role of the 144,000. Zoom Prayer Session and Discussion Manny led a Zoom prayer session, inviting Brother Dennis to pray and welcome guests. He emphasized the importance of sharing and encouraging each other through the chat. Manny also reminded the group about the spot fund and the need for support. He encouraged the group to attend a time of encouragement on Wednesdays and a praise session on Mondays. The group then read and discussed Daniel Chapter 8, with Victor Perez and Scott participating in the reading. Spiritual Discussions and Prayers Offered The meeting involved spiritual discussions and prayers. The group prayed for various individuals, including Manny's wife, Brother Victor's son, and Brother Matthew Vargas's wife, as well as for the United States, the homeless, widows, orphans, jobs, businesses, and their works. They expressed a desire to be fishers of men and focus on God's kingdom. Manny led the meeting, and Dennis was asked to give a blessing after Johnny finished praying. The group also prayed for Daniel Bryan and Victor Perez, who was experiencing health issues. David Morales shared a poem about love. Harry later joined and led a discussion on the relationship between God and man, using the example of Daniel's interactions with God. Improving Project Structure and Communication The team discussed the need for a more comprehensive and detailed approach to their project, with a focus on the importance of understanding the customer's needs and pain points. They agreed on the necessity of a more structured and organized process, with clear roles and responsibilities assigned to each team member. The team also emphasized the importance of effective communication and collaboration to ensure the project's success. They ended the conversation with a commitment to work on these aspects and reconvene to review progress. Victor's Struggles and Group Support Victor shared his struggles with depression and anxiety, and the group prayed for his wife Cindy's healing. Victor plans to approach his upcoming doctor's appointment with humility and love, meditating on 1 Corinthians 13. The group discussed the importance of humility and the power of words. Dennis shared a story highlighting the issue of people having a sense of superiority. Manny encouraged the group to continue their deep study. Seeking God's Glory and Understanding Harry expressed his desire to emulate a man of prayer and to seek God's glory in his life, praying for daily communication with God through prayer and Scripture, and for God's kingdom to come in their lives and the world. Manny discussed the significance of Daniel in the Bible, highlighting Jesus' frequent references to him and the importance of understanding Daniel's prophecies in the context of Jesus' teachings. Prayer, Fellowship, and Seeking Understanding Manny initiated a prayer session led by Brother Dennis, who prayed for various blessings and encouraged the group to rejoice and walk by faith. Manny then welcomed participants to a Zoom meeting, emphasizing the importance of fellowship and the need to honor the Lord. He also discussed the upcoming time of encouragement on Wednesdays and the praise Mondays at 5 am. Manny and Dennis discussed the book of Daniel, chapter 8, with Dennis expressing his childlike faith in God's prophecies despite not comprehending everything. Manny led a discussion about the importance of seeking understanding and knowledge from God, using the example of Daniel's prophecy and the role of Gabriel. Scott and Victor Perez also shared their thoughts and experiences, with Scott finding comfort in Romans 8:28 and Victor Perez relating a verse from Ezekiel to their discussion. Exploring Biblical Stories and Technology Victor Perez discussed the biblical stories of Noah, Daniel, and Job, emphasizing their righteousness and the challenges of being a prophet. He also made a connection between the official animal of the US Navy, the goat, and the biblical story, and highlighted the potential for modern technology to interpret biblical stories. Manny expressed amazement at the discussion. The conversation ended with a prayer time, during which Dennis was invited to share his thoughts.
Manuel J. Ramos
Oct 22, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Todays session was recorded: Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 7 Summary: The book of Daniel can be divided into two languages, as well as two themes. The first portion of the book describes events that happened during Daniel's earthly life. Starting in chapter 7, this focus shifts to prophecies about the future. Likewise, the first portion of the book is mostly recorded in Aramaic (Daniel 2:4—7:28) rather than Hebrew. This represents how those stories are meant to carry a message to the non-Jewish world. Daniel chapter 7 is where these segments dovetail together: the last chapter speaking to the world at large, and the first emphasizing events of the end times. These prophecies are among the most impactful in the entire Bible. Concepts introduced here will be reflected in Jesus' ministry and echoed in the book of Revelation. 05:09:21 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: AMEN 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 05:11:45 From Harry to David Morales(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 7 Summary: The book of Daniel can be divided into two languages, as well as two themes. The first portion of the book describes events that happened during Daniel's earthly life. Starting in chapter 7, this focus shifts to prophecies about the future. Likewise, the first portion of the book is mostly recorded in Aramaic (Daniel 2:4—7:28) rather than Hebrew. This represents how those stories are meant to carry a message to the non-Jewish world. Daniel chapter 7 is where these segments dovetail together: the last chapter speaking to the world at large, and the first emphasizing events of the end times. These prophecies are among the most impactful in the entire Bible. Concepts introduced here will be reflected in Jesus' ministry and echoed in the book of Revelation. 05:16:43 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund: 05:21:27 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: LOVE ❤️ ( GOD ) Conquers ALL!!! 🙌🏿 05:21:44 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: scott please tell me the details of your hospital and room number 05:32:13 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "scott please tell me…" with ❤️ 05:40:57 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Morning brothers Jesus loves you so much 05:46:01 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "Morning brothers Jes…" with ❤️
Manuel J. Ramos
Oct 15, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Todays session was recorded: Passcode: +&o8A8gK 05:02:48 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: good morning all my brothers, long time no see! but always on my mind! aaaaleluyaaaa 05:04:37 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "good morning all my …" with 🙏🏾 05:04:44 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "good morning all my …" with 🙌🏽 05:04:48 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "good morning all my …" with ❤️ 05:04:51 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "good morning all my …" with 📖 05:05:28 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Good Morning Mighty Men of GOD!!! ☀️ 05:10:04 From Harry to Everyone: Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 4 Summary: In the prior chapters, King Nebuchadnezzar was portrayed as a vain, violent, vicious man (Daniel 2:5; 3:15). This chapter begins with a radical shift in attitude. The king wishes peace to others and expresses a desire to explain "signs and wonders" done for him by God. Nebuchadnezzar proclaims the Lord's sovereignty before beginning to tell his story. What's recorded in this passage is still in Aramaic, rather than Hebrew (Daniel 2:4—7:28) and was likely composed with Daniel's help (Daniel 4:1–3). 05:11:22 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “King Nebuchadnezzar, To the nations and peoples of every language, who live in all the earth: May you prosper greatly! It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me. How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation. I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at home in my palace, contented and prosperous. I had a dream that made me afraid. As I was lying in bed, the images and visions that passed through my mind terrified me. So I commanded that all the wise men of Babylon be brought before me to interpret the dream for me. When the magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners came, I told them the dream, but they could not interpret it for me. Finally, Daniel came into my presence and I told him the dream. (He is called Belteshazzar, after the name of my god, and the spirit of the holy gods is in him.)” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭8‬ ‭ 05:12:25 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "Good Morning Mighty …" with ❤️ 05:13:18 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “I said, “Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you, and no mystery is too difficult for you. Here is my dream; interpret it for me. These are the visions I saw while lying in bed: I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land. Its height was enormous. The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth. Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit abundant, and on it was food for all. Under it the wild animals found shelter, and the birds lived in its branches; from it every creature was fed. “In the visions I saw while lying in bed, I looked, and there before me was a holy one, a messenger, coming down from heaven. He called in a loud voice: ‘Cut down the tree and trim off its branches; strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it and the birds from its branches.” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬-‭14‬ ‭ 05:14:59 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “But let the stump and its roots, bound with iron and bronze, remain in the ground, in the grass of the field. “ ‘Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the animals among the plants of the earth. Let his mind be changed from that of a man and let him be given the mind of an animal, till seven times pass by for him. “ ‘The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.’ “This is the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, had. Now, Belteshazzar, tell me what it means, for none of the wise men in my kingdom can interpret it for me. But you can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.”” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭ 05:15:35 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “Then Daniel (also called Belteshazzar) was greatly perplexed for a time, and his thoughts terrified him. So the king said, “Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its meaning alarm you.” Belteshazzar answered, “My Lord, if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries! The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the wild animals, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds— Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4‬:‭19‬-‭22‬ ‭ 05:16:12 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: ““Your Majesty saw a holy one, a messenger, coming down from heaven and saying, ‘Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven; let him live with the wild animals, until seven times pass by for him.’ “This is the interpretation, Your Majesty, and this is the decree the Most High has issued against my Lord the king: You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes. The command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots means that your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules.” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬-‭26‬ ‭ 05:16:44 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue.” All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven, “This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.”” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4‬:‭27‬-‭32‬ ‭ 05:18:12 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?”” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4‬:‭33‬-‭35 05:18:30 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4‬:‭36‬-‭37‬ ‭ 05:19:57 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: AMEN 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 05:20:02 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Reacted to "AMEN 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿" with ❤️ 05:20:47 From Juan Wyatte to Harry(direct message): What was your verse in Isaiah? 05:21:50 From Harry to Juan Wyatte(direct message): Isaiah 59:15-21 05:21:57 From Juan Wyatte to Harry(direct message): Reacted to "Isaiah 59:15-21" with ❤️ 05:22:38 From Harry to Patrick(direct message): Good morning brother, Topic: Daniel Chapter 4 Summary: In the prior chapters, King Nebuchadnezzar was portrayed as a vain, violent, vicious man (Daniel 2:5; 3:15). This chapter begins with a radical shift in attitude. The king wishes peace to others and expresses a desire to explain "signs and wonders" done for him by God. Nebuchadnezzar proclaims the Lord's sovereignty before beginning to tell his story. What's recorded in this passage is still in Aramaic, rather than Hebrew (Daniel 2:4—7:28) and was likely composed with Daniel's help (Daniel 4:1–3). 05:23:09 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: “Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm achieved salvation for him, and his own righteousness sustained him. He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head; he put on the garments of vengeance and wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak. According to what they have done, so will he repay wrath to his enemies and retribution to his foes; he will repay the islands their due. From the west, people will fear the name of the Lord, and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood that the breath of the Lord drives along.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭59‬:‭15‬-‭19‬ ‭ 05:23:18 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: ty Jesus i am finally going to see the pain management doctor today at 1220pm Jesus your word says " love doesn't think of evil another translation says "it keeps no record of being wronged." Lord Jesus help me! Aaaaleluyaaaa 05:23:30 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: ““The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins,” declares the Lord. “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the Lord.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭59‬:‭20‬-‭21 05:24:14 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: Click here to support Zoom Battle Prayer's story *ZoomBattlePrayerGiving *spotfund is the easiest place to create beautiful and free online fundraisers. It takes just minutes to start raising money today. Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund: 05:25:01 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Good Morning Mighty …" with ❤️ 05:45:36 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Nebu was the tree but God is the water!!!! 05:49:43 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: i feel like king Nebuchadnezzar, i have my leaves ripped off, i am Nebuchadnezzar my pride perhaps has put me in this double stroke situation i asked God use me change me and direct me to the place where i can do the most good for your kingdom you never know where that is going to take you! i think it has led me to where i am right now! sick in pain walking is a trip on my best days! and yet i felt like giving my walker to a guy who had knee surgery i realize my pride my constant problems with lust problems with anger i read where in 1 cor 13 it says 05:50:06 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "i feel like king Neb…" with ❤️ 05:50:08 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: love keeps no records of wrongs done to him 05:50:38 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: thinks no evil, Jesus change me and cover over my memory 05:51:57 From Manny Ramos to Everyone: Reacted to "thinks no evil, Jesu…" with ❤️ 05:54:35 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone: He’s able, He’s able, I know He’s able, I know my Lord is able To carry me through. (Repeat) He healed the broken-hearted And set the captive free, He made the lame to walk again And caused the blind to see. He’s able, He’s able, I know He’s able, I know my Lord is able To carry me through. 05:54:45 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: Dennis says God can do all things but fail 05:58:52 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone: if someone wants to punch me, so i'll be healed of my pain, double stroke symptoms, bring it take a running start and throw the haymaker on me 05:59:48 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Dennis says God can …" with ❤️ 05:59:55 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Dennis says God can …" with 🙏🏾 05:59:58 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "Dennis says God can …" with 📖 06:00:17 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "if someone wants to …" with ❤️ 06:00:20 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "if someone wants to …" with 🙏🏾 06:00:26 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "if someone wants to …" with 🙌🏽 06:00:31 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone: Reacted to "if someone wants to …" with 📖 Meeting summary for Manny Ramos's Personal Meeting Room (10/15/2024) Quick recap The group also shared personal experiences, discussed the influence of politics and religion on individuals, and emphasized the importance of praying for leaders and supporting one another in their personal and spiritual journeys. The conversation ended with a focus on maintaining connections with individuals, even if they leave the church or ministry, and the value of perseverance, humility, forgiveness, and relying on God's guidance. Next steps • Victor to develop and share comedy skit idea on YouTube about Guy Fieri parody • Manny to continue reaching out to men for Zoom battle prayer and fellowship • Dennis to follow up with interested individuals about stem cell patches • All members to pray for and support each other's spiritual growth and leadership development • All members to study Daniel chapter 5 for next meeting • Manny to update website with latest information and resources • Victor to research phone tree app options for more efficient group communication • All members to consider ways to decrease pride and increase humility in leadership roles • Manny to continue organizing and leading Zoom battle prayer sessions • All members to pray for restoration of power and recovery efforts in Florida after the hurricane • Victor to prepare for upcoming doctor's appointment regarding pain management • All members to study the connection between Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 • Manny to explore options for creating new t-shirts with improved lettering visibility • All members to pray for and support Tony Evans and other Christian leaders facing challenges • All members to prepare for upcoming Iron Man event in November Summary Leadership, Holy Spirit, and Babylon in Connection They touched on the role of leadership and the Holy Spirit in connecting people. Harry mentioned Babylon as the enemy's city. The conversation ended with a musical interlude. Daniel 4 Discussion and Prayer Meeting Manny led a discussion on Daniel 4, focusing on King Nebuchadnezzar's pride and eventual humility before God's sovereignty. The group prayed for those affected by a natural disaster and sought God's guidance in understanding Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Juan prayed for knowledge from the book of Daniel. Manny encouraged open sharing, honoring one another, and contributing to the Zoom Fund to help individuals in need. He also mentioned plans to share the meetings on YouTube. God's Power and Sovereignty in Nebuchadnezzar's Story They highlighted how Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged God's power and gave testimony to it. Dennis shared personal dreams and reflections, drawing parallels to Nebuchadnezzar's experiences. The group emphasized the importance of personal salvation, God's ability to change anyone, and the power of God's sovereignty. Faith, Challenges, and Gratitude in Difficult Times The participants of the meeting expressed their faith in a higher power, acknowledging the challenges they faced and their trust in the power's ability to guide them. They recognized the unique needs of each individual and expressed gratitude for the power's provision. The conversation ended with a reaffirmation of their commitment to trust and seek the power's guidance. victor shared his experiences during a challenging week, including his decision to wear a garbage bag as a makeshift raincoat due to the lack of available clothing. Manny and Dennis found victor's story inspiring and shared their own experiences of using unconventional items for protection during the hurricane. The group ended the conversation with a sense of gratitude and positivity. Resilience, Faith, and Rebuilding in Florida Dennis and victor discussed resilience and faith amidst rebuilding efforts in Florida. Dennis shared how he slept through storms, like Jesus during a storm. The group prayed for victor's health and others' healing. Juan used a tree metaphor for resilience despite struggles. He urged studying Revelation 13 and Daniel 7. Embracing Faith and Prayer Through Singing Manny encouraged the group to sing from their hearts, emphasizing that singing strengthens their faith, even in difficult times. victor led them in singing the Winans' song "Wherever I Go." Dennis shared his experience highlighting the importance of prayer and mentioned the gifts of miracles, power, and knowledge. Manny closed by inviting others to share and exhorting them to continue praying together. Discussing Spirituality, Experiences, and Faith Dennis discussed the impact of media and lyrics on the spirit, and the group affirmed trusting in God's guidance through prayer, scripture, and faith. They also shared personal experiences during a recent storm and discussed their spiritual experiences, including the influence of David Wilkerson and Times Square Church. victor shared his experience at Team Challenge, a program he learned about from his late brother Rick Martinez, and expressed his desire to visit as a pilgrimage. The group also discussed the movie "The Cross and the Switchblade" about David Wilkerson's ministry to gang members like Nicky Cruz. Influence of Politics, Religion, and Entertainment The team discussed the influence of politics and religion on individuals, with a focus on how these factors can shape one's beliefs and actions. They also touched on the concept of "entertainment" in these contexts, suggesting that people can become "trained" by them. The conversation ended with a suggestion for a t-shirt design that could explain the significance of blood on different parts of the body in religious contexts. Dennis shared a personal experience, highlighting the importance of faith and not relying on one's own knowledge, and stressed the need to pray for each other, their families, and the leaders. victor agreed with Dennis' sentiments. Leadership, Prayer, and Fellowship: Personal Reflections victor led a song and Dennis expressed his excitement, while Manny emphasized the importance of praying for leaders and the significance of fellowship within the body of Christ. The team discussed the importance of forgiveness and accountability in the context of fallen leaders, agreeing that it's crucial to pray for and support those who have fallen. They also shared personal experiences, highlighting the importance of showing compassion and understanding towards others. The conversation ended with a sense of unity and a renewed focus on supporting one another in their personal and spiritual journeys. Servant Leadership and Avoiding Praise Temptation Manny stressed servant leadership like Jesus and avoiding the temptation of seeking praise. Amusing Anecdotes, Biblical Parallels, and Resilience victor shared amusing anecdotes about his encounter with a baseball player named Austin. He discussed biblical stories like David and Goliath, drawing parallels to modern situations and emphasizing self-admission of wrongdoings. victor and Dennis talked about the resilience of eagles and the importance of staying strong in faith. Manny joined, setting a positive tone. As a next step, Manny agreed to provide contact information for all brothers to encourage their participation. Strategies for Maintaining Connections and Conflict Resolution Manny, victor, and Dennis discussed strategies for maintaining connections with individuals, even if they leave the church or ministry. They emphasized the importance of respecting personal boundaries, allowing people to return when ready, and understanding the reasons behind departures. The group explored various approaches, including personalized outreach, phone tree apps, and direct communication. They acknowledged the value of perseverance, humility, forgiveness, and relying on God's guidance to resolve conflicts and save lives. The meeting also touched on potential comedy skits and sharing a meal together.
Manuel J. Ramos
Oct 09, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
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Manuel J. Ramos
Oct 04, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
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Manuel J. Ramos
Oct 02, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
Quick recap The group discussed the importance of having a clear conscience, living a life of faith in Christ, and overcoming sin through God's grace. Next steps • All members to continue daily Bible reading and prayer to maintain a clear conscience. • David Fry to update the group on his daughter Hannah's situation after the storm. • Scott Grassman to provide updates on his rehabilitation progress. • Scott Moffat to inform the group about his health status following hospital visit. • Manny to organize and lead the First Friday prayer session focusing on "sincere faith". • All members to pray for Israel's protection and peace in the Middle East. • Victor to research and share more information about John the Baptist's baptism practices. • Johnny to continue leading "Encouragement Wednesdays" sessions. • All members to contribute to the group's spot fund as they are able. • Manny to distribute T-shirts to those who ordered them. • All members to invite others to join the First Friday prayer session. • Patrick to update the group on his family situation regarding inheritance issues. • Arthur to share more insights on connecting Old Testament symbolism to New Testament teachings. • All members to pray for Patrick's breathing issues. • Dennis and Johnny to continue leading sessions when Manny is unavailable. Summary Faith, Conscience, and the Power of Christ The group discussed the importance of having a clear conscience and a pure heart. They referenced Romans 6 and 1 Peter 3:21-22, emphasizing the power of faith in Christ to overcome sin and live a new life. They ended the conversation with a prayer and a discussion about the benefits of being set free from sin and becoming slaves to righteousness. Repentance, Baptism, and Encouragement Initiatives Manny discussed the importance of having a clear conscience and the role of John the Baptist in preparing people for the coming of Jesus. He emphasized the need to repent and change one's heart, and highlighted the significance of baptism using John the Baptist as an example. Juan also encouraged the group to reflect on their lives and seek forgiveness for any wrongs done to others. Manny then welcomed everyone, announced a new initiative called "Encouragement Wednesdays" and "Worship Mondays", and reminded the group about the Spot Fund for helping each other's needs and the upcoming 1st Friday prayer event. Discussing Romans 6 and 1st Peter 3:21-22 Manny led a discussion on Romans 6 and 1st Peter 3:21-22, focusing on the question of why Christians should not continue to sin. The group discussed the importance of having a clear conscience, being introspective, and living with Christ. Juan read from Romans 6:8-14, highlighting the need for self-reflection and obedience to God's will. Manny and Dennis emphasized the importance of holiness and the power to resist sin, with Juan sharing his personal journey of overcoming sinful habits. Consequences of Sin and Prayer for Health Juan led a discussion on the consequences of sin, using the Bible verse "The wages of sin is death" to emphasize the potential outcomes of sinful actions. Manny and Dennis echoed Juan's sentiments, emphasizing the importance of obedience and the consequences of sin. The conversation ended with a call to live better lives and a transition to prayer for one another. Manny invited Brother Johnny to lead a prayer session, during which they prayed for Scott Grassman and Scott Moffat, who were both experiencing health issues. They also prayed for Jack, who had a court date, and for victor's cousin in the nursing home. Juan led the prayer, asking for guidance, courage, and healing for all present. He also specifically prayed for each brother on the line, including Manny, victor, Scott Grassman, Arthur, Brian, David Fry, David Morales, Harry, Patrick, and Vasco. Manny then prayed for Elvin and his wife, asking for God's spirit to be poured over them. Manny also prayed for Patrick, asking for fresh oxygen and clear breathing, and for Scott Moffat to be relieved from pain. The group was encouraged to continue praying for one another and to share any additional prayer requests. Guided by God's Teachings and Clear Conscience victor, Manny, Dennis, and Juan discussed the importance of having a clear conscience guided by God's teachings. They emphasized the need for truth, love, and following Jesus' example. Dennis expressed concern about people with authority committing injustices and lacking a clear conscience. Juan highlighted that our conscience guides our decisions, which have consequences as we are always in God's presence. Understanding Actions, Hate, Prayer, and Unity The meeting focused on the importance of understanding and controlling one's actions, the destructive power of hate, and the significance of prayer for leaders and personal struggles. The group prayed for leaders, particularly those in the Middle East, and emphasized the importance of transparency in sharing struggles and sins. The conversation ended with a sense of unity and determination to uphold their spiritual disciplines. Staying Connected to God's Power and Grace Patrick, Dennis, and Manny emphasized the importance of staying connected to God's power and following the Holy Spirit's conviction. They discussed the cleansing power of God's Word and the need for repentance and baptism. Arthur expressed gratitude for God's grace and forgiveness, highlighting the ongoing journey with sin and the need for growth. The conversation ended with a sense of spiritual upliftment and a shared desire to protect their relationship with Christ. Prayer Session: Protection, Baptism, and John the Baptist Manny led a prayer session focusing on protection from storms and prayed for Israel's protection. He discussed the story of Noah's ark and explained that baptism symbolizes salvation. Arthur drew parallels between Noah's flood and baptism, suggesting both cleanse sin. victor compared John the Baptist's role to modern preachers, noting the risks involved in heeding his message. Company, Reflection, and the Power of Hope Patrick emphasized the importance of the company one keeps, likening it to the devil's tactics, and advocated for hanging out with the Holy Spirit. He also highlighted the significance of focusing on the present and future, rather than dwelling on past mistakes. Dennis echoed this sentiment, using the analogy of a parent catching a child with their hand in the cookie jar to illustrate the importance of self-reflection and growth. Juan then shared a passage from Romans 5, emphasizing the role of suffering in building perseverance and character, and ultimately leading to hope. The group ended the conversation with a sense of unity and empowerment, recognizing their power over the enemy and the importance of good company. Power of Prayer and Spiritual Growth Dennis initiated a discussion on the power of prayer and the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual connection. Juan emphasized the value of self-reflection and open discussions for spiritual growth. He led a prayer session, expressing gratitude for the group and asking for God's protection and guidance. Juan also prayed for specific individuals dealing with health issues and for the families to become closer. Dennis and Manny expressed their support and appreciation for the leadership and the work being done. The conversation ended with Manny sharing a thought-provoking analogy about the maturation of faith and encouraging the team to grow in prayer and sincerity. The team also discussed the upcoming 1st Friday prayer, focusing on the theme of sincere faith. Baptism, Daily Repentance, and Spiritual Nourishment Arthur, Manny, Dennis, Patrick, and victor discussed the symbolism of baptism in relation to the biblical story of Noah and the flood. They emphasized the need for daily repentance and seeking God's provision, comparing it to the Israelite people's experience in the wilderness. The team also discussed the importance of spiritual nourishment, likening it to eating manna in the wilderness and reading the Bible. Patrick shared his personal experience of dealing with family loss and a financial issue, expressing gratitude for the Holy Spirit's reminder of God's protective barrier of His word. The conversation ended with Manny sharing a personal experience of his wife needing help with a flat tire.

Manuel J. Ramos

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