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Proverbs of a 36 yr old man

The gift of Christ. Ah, the last gift under the tree. Compared to the other boxes and treats under the tree it did not catch your attention. Nothing to be desired at first you may say. You opened the first gift and you ran around the house excited with it kissing your Heavenly Father on the cheek. And so on you continued to open every perfect gift that comes from above, thanking God for every rich blessing He has given you. Yes, unwrapping spiritual riches and drinking a hot cup of Holy Spirit to warm your heart. Then as you get on your knees and grab the last gift into your hands, you shake it to see if you can figure out what it is. Jesus laughs and ask for you to sit on his lap as you open this last gift. So you jump on his lap excited to open it. Ripping apart ribbon and paper you find an old jar of clay with your name inscribed on it. Then Jesus said of all the gifts I have given you, only this one is your greatest treasure. I looked at all the other gifts I grabbed under the tree and compared them to the jar of clay, and they looked better. I asked the Lord, how is it that this is the best one? He said, this is the greatest gift because it is the gift of God Himself. He opened the jar of clay and in there was the most beautiful treasure inside I had ever seen! It was full of spirit and life just about to bust out at the seams. Oh Lord, its the gift of yourself in me! I love it! I am your jar of clay, come live inside me. Your presence is the greatest gift of all. Are you ok with having Christ and nothing else. Money, houses, cars, family, etc or is Jesus enough?  

Study Prov. 23:26 

Study Cor. 4:7 

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