Oh To Be Wise Meditations
I can't find you. My heart grows restless looking for you. I have searched high and low for you, in the streets I shout your name. I walk tirelessly hoping I see you maybe in the corner of my eye. My stomach is pitted and my breathe is short, as I contemplate what has happened to you. Did the thief of this world steal you in the night? Did you fall into temptation and are stuck in the pit of consequences? My child, come home I miss you! The thought of not having you for eternity crushes my spirit. Maybe you have gone astray like a lost sheep, come and find me I will forgive you. I know you have not forgotten my commandments. I have left behind everything I love in safe pasture to look for you even in dangerous places. In the dark of the night and in evil's play I search for you. Tears of anguish I swallow as night turns into another day without you. Oh I never got to stay goodbye, you left without a trace breaking my heart. I ask my neighbors about you giving them a description of you. But no one has seen you! But I am being told that there is a place where the lost get found. To go their and see if your picture is there. At this point I am desperate to find you, I have given my life for this journey. And now that I have arrived at the place where the lost get found I see your picture! I frantically ask the front desk to see if you there still. They verify I am your Savior and rush me into your hiding place. The place where the found go to be lost. But don't worry I am here my child to take you home. I see you tired and weary and heavy laden. Don't bite at me, its me your LORD and Savior. I found you at last! ( Follow Meditation into the Proverbs of 37 Post later today.
Ps. 119:176
