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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Being idle can become an idol. Doing nothing can lead to bondage of sin and death. Like a sheep lead to slaughter not saying a word, we become idle in the worst of times. Selfishness can be a stronghold. Pride can be a fortress. If you do nothing, little by little you are chiseling for yourself an idol that cannot speak. An idol that cannot hear, an idol that cannot feel, and an idol that can do nothing. Look, you have become an idol to yourself. I think about Jesus as a humble lamb led to the slaughter of the Cross. We could do nothing being born in sin. Idleness was our sweet bread, shame was our drink all day long. Because Christ died for us we are called to come out of our sins. Jesus took upon himself what we could not do in our own strength and gave us hope for newness of life. We no longer can just sit around and do nothing, Jesus has shattered the idol of idleness. No longer can we cling to doing nothing, we either die our sins or we walk free from the chains of sin and death. LORD, it is so easy to do nothing in my trials and temptations. In my home, work, or community. Sin has stolen the energy and passion to overcome this world. I need the Holy Spirit now more than ever to change me and renew me. To empower me and push me out of nothing and into something. That something is what I am excited to pursue everyday of my life while in relationship with you Jesus. There is so much to do for your Kingdom. The funny thing is you are already accomplished everything. Yet you call me to live a holy life that pleases you for the glory of the Gospel. That alone is worth getting up every day and do your will. I am tired of doing nothing. I can always pray and put my faith into action. Prayer changes things. But doing nothing does not.

Study Proverbs 31:27

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