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Proverbs of a 37 yr old man

Jesus is on the attack. That's why the Scriptures say: "When he went to the highest place, he took captive those who had captured us and gave gifts to people." Jesus has defeated all powers and forces. On the cross He freed himself from the power of the spiritual rulers and authorities; he made a public spectacle of them by leading them as captives in his victory procession. Look, I see an army of prayer warriors on a holy siege against the enemies work in someones life or situation. Huddled together in fellowship and worship to the LORD. Waiting on the LORD for his direction, his guidance, his healing, and his deliverance. In the midst of this platoon of disciples comes zooming by our squadron leader Jesus! He bids us to follow him and the gates of hell will not prevail! These soldiers of the Cross are challenged and encouraged to follow Christ into the heat of spiritual battle. Trusting in him for the victory no matter the fiery arrows of trials the enemy throws. Move forward in faith Christian soldier and Christ will give you light. He is LORD of the battlefield of life and His Will will prevail. Your job is to be a faithful soldier of the Cross. Do not fear but have his perfect love fill you with faith. No matter what happens in the battlefield. The LORD is victorious. We are not causalities of spiritual war, we are glorious pillars in the Temple of our God forever. Tested and tried and purified by fire of Holy Spirit for the building of Gods Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth. We are not mere footmen, we were bought at a high price. Fall in, child of God. Jesus is on the attack!

Study Col. 2:10

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