Oh To Be Wise- Meditations
Lucifer was a covering cherub and was to reflect the Glory of God. Like a photographer using an umbrella to keep the brightest of a photo, so God shown His Glory on Lucifer and it brought Him much beauty and awe. Lucifer instead of covering God's Presence, allowed it to shine through him producing pride in him. I imagine him turning around away from Gods Presence instead of covering and honoring it. He began to walk away, letting Gods Glory shine through Him becoming prideful. Imagine God's Glory shining on his wings of precious stones. God let go of Lucifer's heart so inquity could be found in him. He allowed pride to be found in Lucifers heart. He did not repent and continued to walk away from the Presence of God until the Glory of God no longer reflected in his being. He reflected only himself wanting the Glory of God for himself. He forgot he was created to reflect God's Glory and not to hoard for himself. You were created for God's Glory. We live and move and have our being reflecting God's Glory. Even in a sinful world God's Glory is seen in us because of the Love He shines in our hearts through Christ Jesus our Lord. Be a covering of Gods Glory and reflect His Nature. Don't let the pride of life destroy the life God has given you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Meditate Ezekial 28:1-19