Proverbs of a 35 yr old man.
You might be able to handle one alcoholic beverage for refreshment. Your neighbor drinks and He could lose everything. You might be able to look upon a pretty girl and praise God for her beauty. Your neighbor can't handle it and may lose their marriage. You can handle the blessings of money and tithe perfectly. But your neighbor is in so much debt that they can't keep up with your lifestyle. The Lord has not put on your heart the keeping of Jewish laws, practices and even keeping Sunday holy. But your neighbor is about to lose their faith because they call it obedience. Welcome people who are weak in faith but don't get in arguments over differences of opinions. Fulfill the law of love in Christ instead and pursue the high calling of Christ. Don't be a stumbling block as they run to Jesus for abundant life. Stop fighting with your neighbor, the truth and power of God will find them out. You live out what God has called you to and protect your neighbor from things that make them weak in faith. They need the love of Christ that is in you. Study Romans Chapter 14