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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

God is invested in this, He has given His Spirit. He gave his blood sweat and tears on the Cross. He is willing that no one should perish but that all have eternal life. All of us who are in Christ have the the deposit of the Holy Spirit in us. Nothing can pluck us from the Lord's Hand. He is literally living in our hearts and minds keeping us close to Him. He has counted the cost and given Himself to humanity. Jesus has put all the eggs in our basket and is wanting a huge return. He has made a way for salvation will we not use our time and talents for His Glory? With just alittle faith God in Christ can take your one talent and turn into five, your five into ten! Now follow the example of the correct teaching given to us and let the faith and love of Christ Jesus be our model. For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Have confidence that He is working in you through His Invested Spirit, peforming life changing salvation. He will never stop even till the day of His Return. So loving so wonderful that He will complete it in you. His Heart is so rich in mercy that His grace is given freely. Thank you Jesus for your Gift of the Holy Spirit. Meditate 2 Tim 1:13

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