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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Part of the fear of public prayer is being afraid of looking dumb in front of people or saged christians. It's so easy to look holier than thou in public, and it's also easy to be quiet because people will judge you on the spot. We must not let our fear and pride get in the way of faithful prayer. It is easy to be misunderstood or even persecuted for praying publicly. Having a correct attitude and motive will keep you from sin. We should want to honor God openly by praying for those around us who need encouragement. All my time in secret prayer is building me up with love and grace. I want to share these spiritual  blessings of my life with those in need around me. I do not desire to be seen by men but want every person to know the Spirit of Christ. I meet so many people that need someone to pull them aside and speak life to them. They need someone to confess their sins to and someone to pray with. The prayers of a righteous person are powerfully effective and accomplish much. Prayer is essential in ongoing spiritual warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Let's keep each others spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out of the faith. Jesus, lead me to people that need a shoulder to pray with. I will lean on yours Lord, and bring our burdens to you. Meditate Col. 4:2

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