Proverbs of a 36 yr old man
See what godly sorrow has produced in you. What God has done with this sadness in your heart, being made sorry in a godly way. Many people's attitudes are different only feeling sorry because of the trouble that their sin has caused. They do not hate sin and evil but cherish even the thought of it. Hating only the problems that come as a result of sin and rebellion. Praise be to God, the indignation and longing you feel to right the wrong in your life. To have zeal and concern of clearing yourself before the Lord. Having a readiness to punish wrong as well as receive rebuke for the pain you have caused. Let us show that we have done everything necessary to make things right. Allowing God to lift us up from our humble state in his time. Jesus gave himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed and to cleanse for himself a people for his own possession, eager to do good works. Look what godly sorrow has produced in you! Study 1 John 1:19