Live Zoom Battle Prayer 5:00am-6:00am 12/7/22
The Battle is the LORD's! You coming?
Zoom Battle Prayer link 5:00am-6:00am:
Will post notes after session here.
Battle Prayer Notes 12/7/22
Weds topic Vengeance part 2: Turning the other cheek is contrary to the way of the world.
Many times people don’t know that they have offended us. We then carry this hatred towards that person. Better to be honest with them than to burn in anger against them.
Let’s bear spiritual fruit instead, in the midst of revenge and hatred. Gal. 5:22-23
Stay in the holy composure that Christ has given us in the Spirit. And not fight back in the flesh. To not retaliate and allow God to have revenge.
When we retaliate many times worse things happen.
We must die to our flesh and live for Christ.
Blessed are the peacemakers. We are called to reconcile.
My purpose is for everyone to see the LORD.
Student once asked Bruce Lee "You teach me fighting, but you talk about peace. How do you reconcile the two?" Bruce Lee replied: "It's better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war".
The LORDs promise is vengeance is his. Like a big brother saying I got this.
Be the bigger man.
Justice is God’s vengeance.
In the midst of the revenge. Praise The LORD. Give him right place in your heart.
You must not do evil things to a person who does evil things to you. Do not insult people who insult you. Instead, you must bless them. This is what God wants you to do. In that way you will receive his blessing.
Take on that rushing bull don’t be a doormat. But don’t take the hit though, get out of the way of offense.
Jesus endured the cross and did not retaliate. Allowed God to work a higher purpose and plan.
Agitators like to stir up trouble and hatred. When we are filled with Holy Spirit we can show mercy.
Those who are doubting show mercy. Snatch people out of the fire.
Love some from afar and do not let others sinful behaviors influence you.
The book of Jude is reflects allowing God his Vengeance for us.
We are called to have mercy on others. Why? Because God had mercy on us.
Vengeance is a powerful word. Born from anger. Address things before they become big in our lives.
Keep a check on our anger.
Carry your Cross. Be crucified with Christ and hold no offense.
Here’s one for vengeance. What did Jesus do when Peter cut the high priest’s servant’s ear? He restored it. This is how Jesus wants us do for vengeance. Am I not to to drink my Father’s cup?
Forgiveness is an act of retaliation.
Don’t forget who we are in the process of forgiveness and retaliation.
Insults insult the flesh. My Spirit in Christ is free from insults and curses from people.
I want to defend and glorify Gods name! It is to his glory to overlook an offense.
Let love be your battle cry today over your hatred and revenge.
Read Jonah chapters 1-4. Vengeance is in God’s hands. We just have to be obedient.
Thank you for another day of Battle Prayer. Fight on….