Oh To Be Wise Meditations
I watch a video this morning about bear that was 20 years captive in a zoo. When they finally let this bear back into its natural environment it did a very strange thing. It mimicked what I think happens to the Christian when sin and trials come. This bear was given the freedom to leave the zoo behind and live in nature. But it was so use to living in a cage that it could not enter in the woods. It kept circling around as if it were still in a cage. So much so it dug its own path in the ground and stayed there. I am not sure what happened to the bear if they returned it back to the zoo or helped it somehow get into nature. But I do know what happens to a Christian who has the freedom through the Cross to pursue relationship with God, instead only focusing in a self defeating circle of pride and unbelief. Every Christian should be free to follow their own conscience. Born again believers get stuck like this poor bear in the circle of their own past defeats. Only knowing one way to live and that is living in the bondage of sin even though we have received such a great gift of salvation. We dig ourselves in so many holes and wonder where is God in all of this? I got out of that mentality long ago and now I walk in that narrow path of relationship Jesus. I once lived a life of circling getting nowhere in my faith. Now I live free towards the grace God has given me. And this no unto sin but unto righteousness. My relationship with him makes me holy and no amount of works will do. Everything I do to pursue him is my works and my faith comes from him anyway. So Jesus is the beginning and the end of my faith. In Jesus I can change my life and leave behind the sin captive mentality. I do not have to live like that anymore. My salvation, my faith experience can come from a new mind and perspective for life. An abundant life with a clear conscience of which I can pursue God in Christ. So many years I walked in circle of pride and regret. I now truly walk by faith into the Spiritual Nature Jesus has called me to live in. Its totally different from the caged life of sin, learning each day to live free in relationship and not in a circle of works.
Meditate Gal. 2:16