Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Talking with a friend of mine about freedom, and the question was asked what is freedom? What does it feel like and what does it look like? We immediately went to the story of Israel when they were freed from bondage to the Egyptians. All they knew generation after generation was slavery. To feel the free sand on there feet after the parting of the Red Sea. Their captors dead in the waters must have been a shock to them. What do we do now, how shall we live and survive? It was God that brought them out this far through Moses, and all the dreams and passions they had hid their hearts can actually come true. I'm sure so many imagined having there own home and land and food. Having the freedom to work and earn money and provide for their families. They were use to the Egyptian government providing for all there needs, which they did very poorly. Joseph in the earlier days of Israel and Egypt provided very well for both countries even during the famine. But gone were those days and the freedom Israel had diminished to an impoverish state. Looking ahead to that desert road, I'm sure the Israelites wondered what will we become of us? What is this freedom we have going to bring us? There identity was slaves and now there identity is in the I am. I think as believers in Christ we all have had that experience, many still. What is this freedom God has called me to in Jesus? Born as slaves to sin, should we not just accept our sins and make the best out of them? The world does this and settles itself to sin and death. Their freedom is the open practice of sin and rebellion. Jesus calls his sheep, his people to come out of their slaven state and live a free life apart from sin. Just like Israel was called to leave Egypt behind we as Christians are called to leave our sinful former way of life. Israel had a long journey ahead of them through the wilderness and so do we. God in Christ is teaching us how to truly live an abundant life through righteousness. To know what real freedom is and to enjoy it now even in a world full danger and destruction. What is freedom and what does it look like? I think as we live all our days numbered by God himself, if we look to know him and his righteousness. Freedom will begin to make sense and fill that sense of eternity in our hearts that we so desperately desire. Its in the very air that we breathe and in our very nature that we were bought with a price. The air that we breathe and the gift of conscious awareness reflects that we were born free. Free to know and pursue our Creator not just in an intellectual way, but in a personal way that all humans are uniquely created and loved by God. Who is God? That should be your aim and pursuit in life, for to know Christ is know what freedom is and what its like.
Meditate John 8:36
