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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

The pinnacle of Jesus life on earth was his death on the cross for the sins of the whole world, the greatest demonstration of love ever. That is why the revelation of Jesus to any person is the greatest thing that could happen to them in their life. His death on the Cross gives us new meaning for living this life. We get to choose to live above the cares and troubles of this world as we die to self and personal ambition. It is very hard to put the things of this life to the side and follow Christ. We need the gift of Holy Spirit, the life of Jesus in us so we can truly know what it means to have eternity in our hearts. This world wants us to be famous and to be adored and to love the world and its desires. Jesus poured out his love on the Cross for us so that we could see true love that comes from God our Creator. The world cannot satisfy our desire for meaning and purpose, it can only provide temporary pleasure to the soul crushing pain of sin and death. Oh Jesus reveal yourself to the hungry and thirsty soul today. Those who are desperate for real love and passion. The life you lived for us, and the suffering and death you did for us. May it be an awakening call to all of us to follow you and receive from you the perfect love of God. For it is the Father's will that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and He will raise him up at the last day. Reveal yourself Jesus you are so wonderful to me!

Meditate John 3:36

1 comentario

Jordan Afman
Jordan Afman
25 sept 2023

Desperate for real love and passion.. Jesus is so wonderful to me 🙌

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