Proverbs of a 37 yr old man
I was removing a dried out fruit tree from my yard and it was a lot of work. I got cut, scraped and bruised trying to uproot it from the ground. I was exhausted when God impressed my spirit with this word. Better to uproot sin weed by weed and root by root, cutting it off and throwing it away. Than to lose our body and soul to the fires of judgment and hell. And this because we did not cut deep enough through the stump of the issue. Everything we do is connected to our hearts and minds. If we do not do the hard work of uprooting the gangrene of hell will work its way to our freewill. Destroying the very freedom Jesus died to give us. I encourage you to continue the hard work of repentance and renewing of mind. With the Spirit of Christ's help we will save our souls through the taming of our fleshly desires!
Study Matt. 5:29
