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Proverbs of a 39 yr old man

Why do we spend our time building sand castles on Earth when we could be building on the sure Rock of Christ investing on things above? I see the children of this world playing in sand arguing who's castle is bigger and better. Not realizing that the cruel waves of this world topple all of mans pride and glory. So many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. In the end they will be destroyed. Their own emotions are their god, and they take pride in the shameful things they do. Their minds are set on worldly things. But look up at the children of heaven they are building upon a Kingdom that can never be shaken. Setting their minds on things above, not on earthly things. Storing their treasures in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Even their citizenship is in heaven as they eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. Look with me, I see a rich man sitting on the shores of this world relaxing in his sand castle with no care in the world. Behind him is a huge storage filled with all kinds of earthly treasure and wealth. All of a sudden a wind of strife picks up and waters become troubled. Don't look now but a huge meaningless wave comes straight for this rich's mans sand castle. Watch out! Its too late, he should have built upon the rock. I say this with painful tears, the waters are receding back to the dangerous yet now still ocean waters. There is nothing left behind on the shore, not even the breath of life. Oh the brevity of life! When the whirlwind passes, the wicked are no more, but the righteous are secure forever. They stand on Mount Zion.

Study Matt. 7:26


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