Proverbs of a 40 yr. old man.
It is the Lord’s purpose to develop character within us. A person’s character is the sum of his or her disposition, thoughts, intentions, desires, and actions. It is good to remember that character is gauged by general tendencies, not on the basis of a few isolated actions. Character is influenced and developed by our choices. We cannot go feelings and looks alone. Meaning because someone smiles a lot and has good manners means that they have good character. We have to go deeper and not be superficial with character. We are called as believers to test the fruits and not just go by outward appearance. The Holy Spirit is moving in people's lives and convicting people of sin and hypocrisy. Man tends to look at the outward and if it looks squeaky clean we don't ask questions about morals or behavior. Everybody do what you want as long as you don't hurt anybody. Good character is revealed in those who actual practice and keep the Word of God. While no one is perfect, God is perfect and we should set Gods standard as our standard. The LORD Jesus loves us to much to see us live in sin and hypocrisy, so He tests our hearts and is pleased with integrity. Developing a moral character that reflects the standard of Gods Infallible Word. Through the help of the Spirit of Christ we are becoming more and more like Jesus every day. Through suffering we gain perseverance and a holy endurance. Which gives character and character hope. A Living Hope that can carry is through even the end of the age. Amen. We can develop character by controlling our thoughts, practicing Christian virtues, guarding our hearts, and keeping good company. Men and women of character will set a good example for others to follow, and their godly reputation will be evident to all. Character has to be more than what you say and do in general. A politician and swindler can do that fairly easily. True character has to pass the moral test of God. (To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Is. 8:20.) Plenty of people in the Bible that did good things while their character was bad. And also, people with good character that sinned and made mistakes. Let's reset our standard of moral excellence by judging people by the content of their character rather the outward appearance of man. Let's look at the heart and see how closely people's values align with Gods. Better yet. Do you hate what God hates? And do you love what God loves? For the fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.
Study Rom. 5:4
