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Oh To Be Wise

It is a noble thing to suffer for being a good person. But God calls us to suffer more than our own righteousness. The Pharisees did many good deeds but there righteousness had no eternal value. God wants us to bear the name of His Son Jesus. He was depised and hated by many, but He is actually the only hope of mankind. He bore our sin and destruction that we have caused in this world, will we not bear the sweet name of Salvation? Let us suffer because He has been so merciful to us. Because Jesus suffered for us will we not join in the fellowship of His suffering? Jesus endured suffering in his body even till death. He calls us to endure in spirit and righteous living till death because He endured sin and death for us. Oh my Jesus seal your name on my heart and let my life bring Glory to your name. Excerpts: 1 Peter 4 

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