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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

God grants repentance through the knowledge of truth. You will never understand the mysteries of heaven if God is not your Father and Jesus is not your Saviour. Without the Power of The Holy Spirit you can do nothing and understand nothing of spiritual matters. You will live as a prisoner to the physical world leaving all revelations as chance or freewill. God is in control of the uncontrollable, yes even your uncontrollable emotions that produces dead fruit in your life. I'm only alive because of breaths and heartbeats granted. Oh but what if I could become alive in my spirit and mind and body to the reality of God. What would happen if He rebuked the waves and peace flooded my soul! Oh man, life on Earth would make sense, for in my suffering I can change the world for Christs Glory. In my suffering I could survive through the worse of man and thrive to bring hope to man. Jesus you are in control, bind me up tight remove my claustrophobic heart and keep me in the tight quarters of your hand. I would rather be chained in righteousness than in the open seas of selfishness. Give me enough space so I can breathe your Holy Spirit and let it be enough. I will not fear because you fill any space big or small you are there. Remove my claustrophobic heart and give me open fields of Grace to run towards you. I want to see your Face out in the open, one day in the country of Heaven. Amen. 

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