Proverbs of a 35 yr old man.
Be jealous for the Lord. Jealousy can be a positive thing, a type of zealous vigilance. It can be an unhappy or angry feeling when something that is rightfully yours is being threatened. Imagine when God sees you spending all your time with earthly idols, provoking him to righteous anger, moving within him a jealousy for what is rightfully his, your heart. Oh it shakes me to the core that God is jealousy for me and for you. Like a husband betrothed to his wife jealously guarding her affections. So is God with his children, and so are we to care for one another. We are to have a godly jealously for each other, desiring to present each other as pure virgins to Christ our one husband. A remnant who have kept themselves unstained from the world. Follow the example of Jesus who Paul emulates by being a Bride that is preparing herself for a wedding. A bride has promised her heart to her husband alone, and should she prove unfaithful, he would have godly jealously. When we see our brother or sister unfaithful to the Lord, pray to be filled with God's own jealousy for them and direct them back into the arms of the lover of their souls.