Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Every morning when the sun of righteousness arises, there is a fresh dew of Holy Spirit upon the soil of our hearts. It refreshed the soul and gives us the hope of harvest for that day. That soon our fig trees will burst with buds. That our dry vine will be draped with grapes, and that our olive crop will overflow like streams of living water. If our hope is secure in Christ, then we believe we will have so much spiritual harvest that our baskets of comprehension are not big enough to receive it. Feel the warmth of Christ's love over your face. Let the rays of his glory light up your day as you go to till and work the field of souls. Pray to the Lord that there would be labourers for the harvest. So many souls wake up to no sunshine of purpose and no dew of strength for the day. We rejoice because of the joy of our salvation, our roots are deep in relationship with Jesus. Habakkuk 3:17-18