Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Lord I kneel before you in the presence of my enemies. I am so honored that you would treat me like as a guest coming to a neighbors home. You fill my cup all the way to the top not concerned about overflow. You give me as much as possible of the Holy Spirit as I can receive. Freely you give to those who ask of more of your presence. But we must not ask amiss by treating this gift of God lightly. In receiving such great and precious promises comes great responsibility. We have the deposit of Holy Spirit in us but we must receive Him in our lives. In the crushing of the olive is when the oil flows, and so is the Holy Spirit to comfort us in the trials of our lives. Jesus, you will not let us go through temptation if we are not able to bear it. You pour your Spirit and give us the anointing we need for victory in our lives. Every child of God goes through heavenly discipline but still receives the grace they need to live as a son and not as a slave. Though we are crushed persecuted and abandoned by the world, Jesus keeps us safe with a sound mind. A mind operating in the spirit of power and love, under control even in the chaos of evil. I feel your presence Jesus, like oil flowing all over my head and body. Your oil makes my face shine with joy, knowing my Heavenly Father loves me. I am anointed of the Spirit. With the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. This life we live is a crushing to our spirit, submitting our will to the Lords will. As we are being squeezed by trial, the sweet aroma of Christ is coming out of us. The deposit of Holy Spirit is us, we need the Lords holy discipline to break loose living water in our lives and to those around us. What good will it do for me to leave an expensive cologne on my dresser and never use it? It was gift to me and I must honor the giver by wearing it. Lord, we ask you to aniont us with your spirit and give us the grace to receive it and live it in. Meditate Ps. 23:4-5