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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Rest on his shoulders. LORD, these burdens are heavy. These cares of the world are overbearing. But wow oh wow, how amazing the strength you have on your shoulders. How can you carry all my baggage that I bring? I am dumbfounded by the strength of your love. So much so my burdens feel light. The yoke around me feels loose. You are carrying the weight for us both. From this view on the Cross I see how you hold all things together. The strength of your love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. You are risen Jesus in your throne and in our hearts. You call us to carry our Cross because you can see life beyond the grave. The suffering we bear now is nothing compared to what is going to be revealed in glory! Great is his confidence in us; great is his pride in us; He fills us with encouragement; in all our troubles his joy overflows in us. On his shoulders he bore the weight of the world, and He calls us to rest on his shoulders. Like a child of faith sit on his shoulders in prayer and thanksgiving. Yes sit, and the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus is with you.

Meditate Is. 53:11


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