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Proverbs of a 36 yr old man

God's power. God’s power always protects us because we trust him. We will receive our complete salvation at the end of time when Jesus returns. Till then his power guards our spirits even though our flesh is weak. We are like a city without walls that is impenetrable. The enemy comes near bringing sin and temptation but the shout of the Lord from within retreats the enemy back to hell and chaos. Christ is rebuilding his temple in you. Your walls are being rebuilt by the finest of craftsmanship in Holy Spirit. As we trust in God, his power makes us strong. We will not run away from being a Christian. It is easy to be a Christian when life is favorable. But Christians will have troubles in their lives. God uses these troubles to make their faith in God strong and pure. To have faith in God means to trust in God and in Jesus Christ his Son. As we mature in our faith, troubles help us to grow up as strong Christians. So we should have joy even when we have troubles. You once were a city without walls and with no temple. God's power has rebuilt your life, rebuilt your walls of self control. And now you are able to keep and hold a holy temple through the fire of Holy Spirit. Lift your hands in praise wherever you are. Show the strength of the Lord Jesus as you lift every burden!

Study 1 Peter 1:5


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